2 Hour (actually 90 mins.) Special with more footage! They cut out a lot of good stuff.
Part of the "Friday Super Prime", not a new episode, thanks ErnieYoung.
2 Hour (actually 90 mins.) Special with more footage! They cut out a lot of good stuff.
Part of the "Friday Super Prime", not a new episode, thanks ErnieYoung.
thanks !!
the hamada lookalike is great, i remember him being on another show and freaking out hamada’s wife
This is [b:2zjxv4c9][color=#FF0000:2zjxv4c9]not[/color:2zjxv4c9][/b:2zjxv4c9] Gaki no tsukai Episode [b:2zjxv4c9][color=#FF0000:2zjxv4c9]#1088[/color:2zjxv4c9][/b:2zjxv4c9].
This program is a full version of Airport Batsu Extra Footage in "Friday Super Prime".
Well, 1088 or not, this is still one of the funniest episodes for some time-- especially for Hamada fans.
I’m thinking they might have saved these (mostly funnier) clips for now because it’s a more important ratings period. After all-- who really watches TV on new years?
Oh… that would be me.
can someone translate to me what they said in the part where there’s 2 monkey in the beginning of the video… it sounds funny…
My bad, I just saw it on the JapanCH profile on youku and assumed it was the next episode.
[quote="nurajwad25":1oy5lela]can someone translate to me what they said in the part where there’s 2 monkey in the beginning of the video… it sounds funny…[/quote:1oy5lela]
1st Ape: Wacky (a member of PENALTY)
I always
in any case
whatever happens
Bin yo yo yo-n! (no meaning)
2nd Ape: Haranishi (a member of FUJIWARA)
Borraginol! (Hemorrhoid medicine)
Far away!
Come back!
waiting for a downloadable version… hoping it pops up soon!!
[quote="ErnieYoung":235pmvst][quote="nurajwad25":235pmvst]can someone translate to me what they said in the part where there’s 2 monkey in the beginning of the video… it sounds funny…[/quote:235pmvst]
1st Ape: Wacky (a member of PENALTY)
I always
in any case
whatever happens
Bin yo yo yo-n! (no meaning)
2nd Ape: Haranishi (a member of FUJIWARA)
Borraginol! (Hemorrhoid medicine)
Far away!
Come back![/quote:235pmvst]
thank you … but one more thing, what is the meaning of mechakucha mare-shia??? i don’t understand… i can read japanese alphabets but i don’t know what is the meaning of the word
mechakucha mare-shia
it’s "very very Malaysia".
These words are incomprehensible also to Japanese people.
They laughed to such a meaningless word and his only one comedy technique.
[quote="ErnieYoung":1nd5lisr]mechakucha mare-shia
it’s "very very Malaysia".
These words are incomprehensible also to Japanese people.
They laughed to such a meaningless word and his only one comedy technique.[/quote:1nd5lisr]
oh, so it really does not have meanings in it… but i really laugh so hard on that part… the comedian face was so funny when he did that jokes…
I thought the funniest bit in the ape scene was when Haranishi notices Hamada is… GORILLA GOD!
Well, well, the extra footage improved my opinion of this years batsu by far, I wonder why they kept so many good parts for the extra footage.
Afro Jimmy was hilarious , poor hamada
I can’t stop laughing at the scene where Hamada’s manager is in the karaoke (singing a Hamada’s song by the way), and in the video, the Hamada double appears inside the cable railway xD
Even though Jimmy sketches were sooooo short, I enjoyed them a lot xD
Also the scene of Kozure Ookami at the bus, was hilarious, with the Daigorou doll saying and saying "chan" xD
Claudia <3
i really like the "new" batsu
(think it’s DO NOT EXCITE!)
can someone translate this part especially the guy that tell about "mason"
i wanna know his name too
thanks very much
His name is Seki Akio.