Americans covering Japanese music ahoy!

EDIT: can’t get the embedding to work, if someone could help me out there, but the links are there now.

I love punk covers, it’s one of my great vices. Well, out sick with nasty allergies today and futzing about online and hey, would you look at this?

is that a punk cover of Hamada’s "Wow war tonight"? Why yes, yes it is!

Other things I found… Andrew WK did a jpop cover album?

Translated to english no less - Linda Linda. There’s a ton of these by him!

If this is old news my bad but I was shocked and psyched by all this - I clearly have to hunt some Scott Murphy and AWK CDs now!

pretty cool, i was raised on punk and metal so i love things like this

i actually did punk covers of a few jpop songs a couple years ago… cutie honey, love machine etc
wish i kept the videos! :P

you should check on a band called allister. they cover loads of japanese songs