Batsu Game 2013/2014 Contest!!

2.matsumoto(fujiwara) yamasaki(bus)
5.dvds, photoshopped pics and some kind of doll/prop
8.3 monster/alien
9.1 earth defense force hotline
10.someone stole info and gave it to monsters or something
11.5 endou
14.they won’t
15.Masahiro Tanaka/the girl who is a pizza delivery person,who’s name I forget

bonus question:will I lose?
yes :envy:

[quote="grindorth":32kjqw3x]Masahiro Tanaka/the girl who is a pizza delivery person,who’s name I forget[/quote:32kjqw3x]

Ah, the pizza girl. She is hilarious! I can’t remember her name, which is ironic because I just finished dealing with my own pizza girl. Her name is Edith. I won’t tell you where from though. You’ll never guess.

  1. Hamada
  2. Yamasaki, Joke by Matsumoto
  3. 3
  4. Hamada
  5. Hamada - Different pictures of himself, Matsumoto - toys from his daughter
  6. Endo’s wife Chiaki, Matsumoto’s brother
  7. Tanaka
  8. 2, Neo from the Matrix
  9. 2, Call center lady, political analyst
  10. Who (Yamasaki) is leaking information to the vilians.
  11. 4, 1 Yamasaki, 1 Endo, 2 Tanaka
  12. Tanaka
  13. Matsumoto
  14. Yamasaki, Endo, and Tanaka. Downtown
  15. No, 237
  16. Tanaka, Yamasaki, Endo
  17. Oshima (from Morisanchuu) will not be coming back, Claudia Umemiya will be coming back
  18. Black and white yuukata.

1 Hamada
2 Zenin Outo / First Gag
3 8
4 Endo
5 Pictures, dvds, garbage, toys
6 Yamasaki
7 Guest runner
8 2 / A superhero
9 3 / professor
10 Aliens
11 6 / Tanaka
12 Endo
13 Endo
14 Hamada, Endo / Tanaka, Matsu, Yama
15 No, 215
16 Endo, Tanaka, Yama
17 Zet Returns
18 Orange

1 - Hamada.
2 - Matsumoto by first gag.
3 - 5.
4 - Endou.
5 - Some pictures that looks like Hamada.
6 - Chiaki, Matsumoto’s brother.
7 - Yamazaki.
8 - 1, a monster/alien.
9 - 2, a secretary and a captain.
10 - Leaking information to the enemy.
11 - 2x Tanaka
1x Endou.
12 - Tanaka.
13 - Endou.
14 - Downtown and Endou, Tanaka and Yamazaki.
15 - no, 212.
16 - Endou, Tanaka, Yamazaki.
15(17) - Endou’s family, but matsumoto’s brother will return.
18 - Black.

1.- When they are changing clothes at the beginning… Who is going to be the oddly dressed one? (3)

2.- Who is going to laugh first? (5)
Why? - Victims of Fujiwara - "Friendly fire" - First gag - Other (2)
Matsumoto. He is the easiest to one among them to laugh about~

3.- How many stops will the bus make? (3)

4.- Who will be kissed / sexually harassed by Matsuko Deluxe this time? (5)

5.- What will Downtown find in their drawers? (10)
Mysterious DVDs, Matsumoto’s brother related item, funny photos of some other comedians, mysterious buttons and mysterious pistol/weapon

6.- The relatives of whom will appear in the game? (5)
Endou’s ex-wife: Chiaki, Matsumoto’s wife: Ihara & brother: Takahiro

7.- It is said that there will be an onigokko such as the 24h batsu, where men in black will perform a different punishment to the gaki crew. Who is going to suffer more? (7)

8.- How many appearances will Itao make? (2)
What will be his character? (3)

  1. Alien/enemy (perhaps Baltan)

9.- How many appearances will Jimmy make? (2)
What will be his character? (3)

  1. Receptionist of the emergency department of the earth defense force

10.- What will be Chôno vs. Yamazaki’s setup this year? (10)
Yakuza on the street that is not happy with how the earth defense force members(Yamazaki especially) work.

11.- How many thai-kicks are we going to see? (3)
Who will be kicked? (3)
Tanaka. Perhaps 4 times

12.- During the storytelling part… Who’s going to star in most stories? (5)

13.- Who will receive the most bizarre punishment? (5)

14.- During the ‘horror part’ they surely will be split. What will be the ‘teams’ then? (7)
Cocorico pair & Yamazaki, Hamada & Matsumoto

15.- Will Matsumoto break a new hit record? (3)
How many hits will he get this year? (EXTRA POINTS TO THE CLOSEST GUESS)
Yes. 402

16.- We all know Downtown will end up first (Matsumoto) and second (Hamada) in the final results. What about the other three? Guess the final order of Yamazaki, Tanaka & Endo. (3)
Yamazaki, Tanaka, Endo

15.- About the guests… Who will be the big absent from this year’s game? (3)
Who will come back after not appearing in the previous one(s)? (3)
Umemiya Claudia. I’m guessing Ikki Sawamura is coming back for the onigokko segment~

16.- On set, they all will be wearing a yukata/kimono… of what color? (5)

1.- Hamada!

2.- In the bus… depending of who enter on there first. Matsumoto.

3.- 6

4.- Must be Endo!

5.- Dvds, toys, buttons and pictures

6.- Endo’s family

7.- Yamasaki

8.- 3… he could reprise his allien from "newspaper".

9.- 3. A secretary (from the call center), also will appear in that program where a reporter will ask him some questions

10.- Someone stole info and gave it to unknown persons

11.- 4 Thai Kick, Yamasaki, Tanaka

12.- Yamasaki

13.- Hamada

14.- Hmm, if heipo appears Tanaka + Heipo, Yamasaki + Endo and Matsumoto + Hamada, if not, Tanaka + Yamasaki + Endo and Matsumoto + Hamada

15.- Yeah, he will. 337 hits.

16.- 1-Matsumoto, 2-Hamada, 3-Yamasaki, 4-Endo, 5-Tanaka

15.- Absent guest: No idea lol Returning guest: Claudia

16.- Black from top and grey from bottom

1.- Hamada

2.- Yamasaki - Fujiwara’s fault

3.- 4

4.- Endo again

5.- One of them will have a button, the other will get a prop.

6.- Endo

7.- Matsumoto

8.- 1, he’ll play an alien.

9.- Hopefully 2, one alien, one as a receptionist/helpline character.

10.- Yamasaki screws up some minigame.

11.- 1, Tanaka

12.- Hamada

13.- Endo

14.- Team 1: Downtown, Team 2: Endo + Yamasaki and Team 3: Tanaka solo

15.- No, he’ll get around 219.

16.- Yamazaki > Tanaka > Endo

15.- Shin Onii won’t appear this year, it would be good to get the sadistic female doctor back again.

16.- Light blue.