[Complete] All the episodes of 2011 [DF / MF]

Thanks! Now let’s see, where to start?

Gooood O_O I love you…wishing for the whole 2012 batch aswell ^^ …as Ozaki would say…I loooove youuu…

sugoi work!!! arigato! :clap:

THANK YOU !!! !!! !!!

[quote="R1T5":oldhlt6q]Episode #1051 2011.04.24
Password not working :([/quote:oldhlt6q]
It’s not working for me too.

Thank you for doing this… Awesome List!!

Episode #1061 2011.07.03 - 100 Questions Kida Taro - Quality: 480p corrupt file or wrong password

Episode #1051 2011.04.24

[url=https://mega.nz/#!0mxQXbKL!dXhEdT92MY_WR_QXbX6GWzy04K4v0XdrRnqnRj_rYt8:2lobzzi6]#1056 What Matsumoto Likes.ass[/url:2lobzzi6]

[url=https://mega.nz/#!g3AiVY4I!Y68TfPVCiVBKpZQBVWm9araRCCm-efplk6u-wVRdJms:2lobzzi6]#1060 Yamasaki Pranks Himself.ass[/url:2lobzzi6]

EDIT: I did some changes/corrections to the sub file.