Dice Reaction Batsu game (subbed)

is it possible to have a reupload? I’ve downloaded from the putlocker link twice and the video stops about halfway through. :(

Reminds me of silent library =D
Thank you very much for the subs zurui. And the disclaimers :rofl: :rofl:

Sure would like to get rid of that watermark though, heh.

Re-subbed with corrected and colored subs. DL is available on my blog.

Thanks :rofl:

Thanks for the subs. Was a great watch!

Just a smaaall thing, but it would be cool if you’d add dates to threads/subs/videos if you know them.
I always like to place stuff in correlation to other videos.

E.g. here I was remembering the "Thai kicking song" from the Hotel Men game !

But thanks a lot for subbing it, of course. ;)

Ok, maybe the subtitles are just making fun of the GnT boys, but are they deliberately saying wrong things/downplay the batsu ?
I’m considering this because of the opening with the apparently Japanese subber.

Ok, it gets quite obvious with the champagne cork thing. haha

This made my morning! :clap: