Worst E3 in recent history. I was disappointed by all of the big 3 conferences. I want to be blown away, I want surprises!
Microsoft: Gears of War 3 looked great, I played the beta for dozens of hours, but I’m kinda sick of hearing about it already, just shut up and take my money. Halo CE Remake, sure I’d play that, but for $40 with no multiplayer, hmm probably not. I don’t really care for the Kinect stuff they showed. Halo 4? Sure. Minecraft was the only real surprise of the show, everything else leaked out on xbox.com hours before the conference. They played it safe.
Sony: They showed ONE new PS3 game and it was a casual Move shooter. Uncharted looks great as always. Vita? I wouldn’t pay $40 for a portable console game. That’s not really what I’m looking for in a handheld game. Probably the worst of the three.
Nintendo: Most disappointing of the 3 for me. I was expecting them to take a step forward with Wii U, not just catch up. Also the name? Ugh! Whatever, they haven’t showed any games for it yet, maybe I’ll be suckered into buying one once they show their first party lineup next year. What happens with it in 3 years when Microsoft and/or Sony put out their next console? In terms of online based on what they’ve said, it seems like Nintendo still doesn’t get it. Luigi’s Mansion 2 made by the Punch-Out team, that’s probably my favorite announcement from them. I’ll probably pick up a 3DS later this year when some damn games start coming out for it. Hopefully it will be available in more colors by then. Oh I almost forgot, Super Mario 3DS looks great, Tanooki suit, bitches! But no run button in SM3DS, what?
I might make a post about third-party games later, if I can be bothered. Time to watch Giant Bomb’s E3 podcast.
[quote="JordansOcarina":3l2yuaxg]Uncharted really reminds of Splinter Cell just in a different setting.[/quote:3l2yuaxg]
The only thing they have in common is that they’re both played in third person and that you sometimes shoot dudes.
[quote="JordansOcarina":3l2yuaxg]The new Zelda game is pretty cool though I think Twilight Princess looked a little bit better, and also.[/quote:3l2yuaxg]
But Twilight Princess is the worst 3D Zelda, so that doesn’t say much. Skyward Sword is the first Zelda that I’m not excited for, they really dropped the ball with TP.
[quote="JordansOcarina":3l2yuaxg]So they might’ve just showed gameplay footage from other systems not actual wii u footage.[/quote:3l2yuaxg]
Yep, they did. Most of the games they showed are also Fall 2011 releases, so will people really care about them one year later?