Episode #1075 - 2011.10.09


[url=http://www.megavideo.com/?d=2LWOH20V:1ccu0oak]megavideo.com[/url:1ccu0oak] (may take a good while before it’s available)

Password: gaki-no-tsukai.com

hahahha omfg best episode in a long time
tanakas entrance…just too good
happy theres gonna be a part 2. i wanna drink with these guys -__o

I don’t understand what are they doing in this ep. Drink contest ?

[quote="angelpick":fk87uoe0]I don’t understand what are they doing in this ep. Drink contest ?[/quote:fk87uoe0]
from what i see, i think it is about what happen when they are drunk 8)

downloads are up

Havent laughed like this in a while , thanks :D

that was hilarious, I’m guessing Japanese folk cant hold their liquor well

this is funny, i would like to see more of these.

Another fact of life: People are funnier when drunk. :P

[quote="rocky_iwata":1p9s4vye]Another fact of life: People are funnier when drunk. :P[/quote:1p9s4vye]

I’ve seen and known enough people who actually get agressive when drunk,

LOL oh, tanaka

[quote="reina":o179wei2]LOL oh, tanaka[/quote:o179wei2]

^^ Haha Yeah…Tanaka is hilarious when he’s drunk :D

too freakin funny. even without subs. shibatabread… i say u sub this since i know ur a fan of alcohol. pretty pleeeeeeeeze!

Here’s my feeble attempt to render the "Drinking Behavior Data" from the episode. It’s very funny!
Also, if you listen to [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzQnWI1h8HA:3tb342i4]THIS[/url:3tb342i4] song while reading it, it’s like you too are in the BeronBeron Bar!

1st Customer: Yamasaki Hosei
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 2 (small Tokuri) bottles of sake, 2 glasses of ShouChuu.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3tb342i4]Face quickly becomes red[/:m:3tb342i4]
[:3tb342i4]Becomes generous, "big hearted." Picks fights.[/:m:3tb342i4][/list:u:3tb342i4]

2nd Customer: 高橋 茂雄 Takahashi Shigeo
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 4 Glasses of beer, 4 glasses of ShouChuu, 2 glasses of Whiskey.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3tb342i4]"The life of the party"[/:m:3tb342i4]
[:3tb342i4]Doesn’t count his strong drinks.[/:m:3tb342i4][/list:u:3tb342i4]

3rd Customer: 岩尾 望 (Iwao Nozomu of the Combi Football Hour)
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 3 Beers, 4 glasses of ShouChuu, 4 glasses of white wine
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3tb342i4]"Tension" (high spirited-ness) does not change[/:m:3tb342i4]
[:3tb342i4]His face can change. ("a facial change can become apparent.")[/:m:3tb342i4][/list:u:3tb342i4]

4th Customer: 遠藤 章造 Endou Shouzou
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 1 Beer, 6 Whiskeys
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3tb342i4]Gets an enlarged sense of justice[/:m:3tb342i4]
[:3tb342i4]Tends to sermonize[/:m:3tb342i4][/list:u:3tb342i4]

5th Customer: いとう あさこ (Itou Asako) A solo comic.
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 4 Beers, 8 glasses of white wine.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3tb342i4]Becomes VERY highly spirited ("Tension")[/:m:3tb342i4]
[:3tb342i4]Becomes more feminine than usual.[/:m:3tb342i4][/list:u:3tb342i4]

Sixth Customer: 田中 直樹 (Tanaka Naoki)
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 3 Beers, 6 Glasses of ShouChuu, 1 one small bottle of Sake, 4 glasses of white wine.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3tb342i4]Becomes more talkative ("number of words increases")[/:m:3tb342i4]
[:3tb342i4]Laughs in a loud voice.[/:m:3tb342i4][/list:u:3tb342i4]

[quote="Ezoghoul":3d6flgtg]too freakin funny. even without subs[/quote:3d6flgtg] agreed , I laughed HARD too :rofl: :rofl: Can’t wait for next week’s part

[quote="on_three":3d6flgtg]Here’s my feeble attempt to render the "Drinking Behavior Data" from the episode. It’s very funny!
Also, if you listen to [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzQnWI1h8HA:3d6flgtg]THIS[/url:3d6flgtg] song while reading it, it’s like you too are in the BeronBeron Bar!

1st Customer: Yamasaki Hosei
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 2 (small Tokuri) bottles of sake, 2 glasses of ShouChuu.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3d6flgtg]Face quickly becomes red[/:m:3d6flgtg]
[:3d6flgtg]Becomes generous, "big hearted." Picks fights.[/:m:3d6flgtg][/list:u:3d6flgtg]

2nd Customer: 高橋 茂雄 Takahashi Shigeo
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 4 Glasses of beer, 4 glasses of ShouChuu, 2 glasses of Whiskey.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3d6flgtg]"The life of the party"[/:m:3d6flgtg]
[:3d6flgtg]Doesn’t count his strong drinks.[/:m:3d6flgtg][/list:u:3d6flgtg]

3rd Customer: 岩尾 望 (Iwao Nozomu of the Combi Football Hour)
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 3 Beers, 4 glasses of ShouChuu, 4 glasses of white wine
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3d6flgtg]"Tension" (high spirited-ness) does not change[/:m:3d6flgtg]
[:3d6flgtg]His face can change. ("a facial change can become apparent.")[/:m:3d6flgtg][/list:u:3d6flgtg]

4th Customer: 遠藤 章造 Endou Shouzou
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 1 Beer, 6 Whiskeys
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3d6flgtg]Gets an enlarged sense of justice[/:m:3d6flgtg]
[:3d6flgtg]Tends to sermonize[/:m:3d6flgtg][/list:u:3d6flgtg]

5th Customer: いとう あさこ (Itou Asako) A solo comic.
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 4 Beers, 8 glasses of white wine.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3d6flgtg]Becomes VERY highly spirited ("Tension")[/:m:3d6flgtg]
[:3d6flgtg]Becomes more feminine than usual.[/:m:3d6flgtg][/list:u:3d6flgtg]

Sixth Customer: 田中 直樹 (Tanaka Naoki)
Alcohol Previously Drunk: 3 Beers, 6 Glasses of ShouChuu, 1 one small bottle of Sake, 4 glasses of white wine.
"Drunken Behavior" DATA:
[:3d6flgtg]Becomes more talkative ("number of words increases")[/:m:3d6flgtg]
[:3d6flgtg]Laughs in a loud voice.[/:m:3d6flgtg][/list:u:3d6flgtg][/quote:3d6flgtg]

Thanks duude ;) ;) this might help understandin’ a bit befor it gets subbed

They should had invited Jimmy to that round.

Hello there! Thanks as always for all of these great episodes. Do you by chance happen to also have episodes 1073 and 1074? ;) :)