Even though I have a burning hatred for RS, I’ll do my best to include RS links from next week on.
Wait-- where was Yamasaki’s Iai sword display? It looks like they skipped it entirely.
It looks like [url=http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1279973387:ib340rvm]this guy[/url:ib340rvm] is confused about it as well.
A big letdown in what was a pretty sloppy pair of episodes.
[quote="SpikeBender":t4aor990]would you recommend those sites for me to put all my vids on?[/quote:t4aor990]
They are new to me too so I can’t really give any recommendations. Depositfiles seems to be pretty nice because they delete files only after 90 day of inactivity instead of the usual 30 days (if you have a free account). Also you only need a few clicks to renew all files so in theory you can keep them up forever aslong you remember to do it atleast once every 89 days.
But I would wait atleast 2 weeks before you reupload everything. In the last 2 days alot happened in the 1 click hoster scene and it may very well possible that Depositfiles, or any of the hosts, will shutdown / limit their service in near future.