Gararanyororo (Snake police officer) / A Sweet Nightmare

So I got curious about this one character Matsumoto plays, called "Gararanyororo" (ガララニョロロ), aka Snake Police Officer, and where he comes from. He appears at 1:11 here (in the Batsu Game history video), as part of the first Matsumoto vs. Hamada batsu game on Gaki:

He also appears at 1:35 here, on ep. 12 of Seikimatsu Sentai Gorenjai (Gottsu ee Kanji):

In the latter vid, he’s introduced as a "character from their early work". Indeed, the character seems to be from one of Downtown’s early shows, called something like "A Sweet Nightmare". Using the power of Google, I managed to find one episode on youtube here:

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of information available in English about this show. Does anyone know more about the show, its characters, the story, etc…? It looks interesting but there’s nothing that’s been subbed so it’s really hard to know what’s going on.