Hello all, I used to see this video on youtube or dailymotion but I think it got deleted now as I can’t find it anymore.
Anyway I clearly remember it was on gottsu ee kanji where Hamada was dressing as lion or something and he was beating another guy (gottsu ee kanji cast, can’t remember his name) at practise.
Then at the real shooting, they secretly switched the guy who got beat (dressed as bunny) to Ryuichi Sakamoto (who is a big senior to Downtown) then at the end he revealed himself and Hamada got beat up by Ryuichi Sakamoto instead.
A clip of Hamada being beat by anyone is so priceless. I already looked up at gottsu ee kanji and various sections but couldn’t find anything. So if anyone still have the clip, can you upload to mediafire or something? The file shouldn’t be that big. Thank you.