It’s ABC-Z’s Kawai Fumito’s bday today. His image color is purple and I have lots of purple ink.
It’s ABC-Z’s Kawai Fumito’s bday today. His image color is purple and I have lots of purple ink.
Matsuzaki Yusuke’s, another Johnny’s idol, birthday.
EDIT: Another. True story.
From Rice’s 2016 King of Conte skit. Tadokoro. I think I have some room for Sekimachi so maybe on another day?
Summer’s X Sports featured field hockey and Sanshiro were guests. Komiya said he played all throughout high school, 3 years? But then he repeated a grade, so four.
I’m sorry, Aida…
I enjoyed looking at your drawings - my favorite among them is Banana Man Himura, as well as Matsumoto from Lincoln Undokai.
October is coming to close pretty soon - so if I may make a request, I would love to see Jimmy Onishi!
Hey pal, thanks! I had a lot of fun drawing that Himura one. He’s a fun guy so that made it an enjoyable experience too. October is indeed finishing up fast! I didn’t realize it, as I didn’t expect to have really stuck to it this far. Unfortunately, I am not taking requests at this time but thank you for your interest. Drawing daily is eating my supposed working hours too lol
I love how Hizashin laughs u_u He tries to be subtle about it. From [url=]this Red Theater[/url:20u86545] segment parodying some drama probably. The unfunniest guy given a prop ("I can’t remember who it was, but I remember not a single soul laughed when…") is the culprit.
Oh and I drew Amai Mask from One Punch Man 'cause I felt like it.
I didn’t know what to draw today and I realized Halloween is coming up really fast.
From the Mob Psycho 100 puzzle game’s Halloween take on Hanazawa Teruki.
I just finished watching [url=]2016.08.31 Wednesday Downtown[/url:1djckk89] where Sanshiro break bottles to see if it can be used as a weapon like in anime/manga. It was so funny. Every incident that happened to Komiya would happen.
I didn’t anything interesting for yesterday’s but I felt a bit creeped out 'cause I think someone was following me on public transportation.
I’ve also been playing Pokemon…
I didn’t feel like posting but here are some over the past few days.
Mob Psycho 100
and some guys with bad reflexes
I wanted to try rotoscoping for Hizashin Snap like Murata-sensei does in One Punch Man but I have 0 understanding of how it works.
The artist for One Punch Man made a Halloween-themed wallpaper available for download and I’m loving all the designs. It’s put me into the Halloween spirit.
My last Inktober submission is Drive Knight from One Punch Man.
And that’s a wrap! It was kind of fun. Thanks for supporting me all the way - it really made all the difference. I really didn’t think I would stick with it this year. Hopefully maybe some of you tried to draw a bit secretly too? Show 'em off sometime!
It’s no longer Inktober but earlier this month was 24hr comic day in which you draw a comic about what you’re doing each hour. Here is my contribution.
Also lastly today is cat day so I drew Hizashin because he is soooo catty
and my idol of course
this isn’t even an Inktober thread anymore LOL I spent a few moments drawing Komiya just now 'cause I felt like it… I keep doing this pose but it’s all he does…
I hate cooking
I only do my nails so I can also do barbaric things with them