The file for "#304 (2013.05.21) 46 Years old men gymnastic competition" ends suddenly in the middle of the heated debate. Is there a full working episode for it somewhere? I really loved this episode and I really want to see if Ootake was able to jump the 125 cm rail… Q_Q and also who won… and also the girls… I loved the girls because I felt so bro with them screaming over 46 year old men…
Probably my chances are slim asking so late now but I’ll hope? Q_Q Thank you in advance…
[url=]LINCOLN 2013.05.14 Classroom with Rola (Lincoln Twitter)[/url:3rmlciqe]
[url=]LINCOLN 2014.10.08 Field Day Special[/url:3rmlciqe][/quote:3rmlciqe]
thank you Ernie-san
I am looking for the "Lincoln (2008.02.05) - Classroom with Kojima Yoshio", I only found the episode with subs but not HD version, do you have it the original one, can you send me the PM please? thank you very much
[quote="potemkin123":ye38mvav]I am looking for the "Lincoln (2008.02.05) - Classroom with Kojima Yoshio", I only found the episode with subs but not HD version, do you have it the original one, can you send me the PM please? thank you very much[/quote:ye38mvav]
Sorry, I don’t have the HD version. I started HD recording in April 2012.
Hi !
Did you find the HD version of this episode after then? I’m looking for this too, can you send me a link or something if possible?
Thank you very much