[quote="impasse":17clqd05]the part of the url containing the decryption key is missing[/quote:17clqd05]
The decryption key is located in the .zip file underneath the picture. Download the .zip, and open the file with Notepad.
Big thank you ernie
LONDON HEARTS 2016.05.20 - Gluttonous Chubby Women
[hide:3vhrie9g]しあわせ!! 食いしん坊おデブGP
[attachment=0:3vhrie9g]LH_160520_Gluttonous Chubby Women.zip[/attachment:3vhrie9g][/hide:3vhrie9g]
thanks you
LONDON HEARTS 2016.05.27 - Mitame Beauty Cup #8
[attachment=0:gzq4nv0k]LH_160527_Mitame Beauty Cup VIII.zip[/attachment:gzq4nv0k][/hide:gzq4nv0k]
LONDON HEARTS 2016.06.10 - Geinin’s Family Favorite Geinin GP
[hide:1ea5a8bc]芸人の家族が リアルに選んだ 好きな芸人 GP
[attachment=0:1ea5a8bc]LH_160610_Geinin's Family Favorite Geinin GP.zip[/attachment:1ea5a8bc][/hide:1ea5a8bc]
Would be great to have a thanks button, but just wanted to say thanks for all the uploads Ernie!
Thank you so much Emie!
LONDON HEARTS 2016.06.24 - Confession of Love #3
[hide:2vxch43x]背中を押します!! ほっとけない恋愛事情
[attachment=0:2vxch43x]LH_160624_Confession of Love III.zip[/attachment:2vxch43x][/hide:2vxch43x]
[quote="ErnieYoung":bxobcleb]LONDON HEARTS 2016.06.24 - Confession of Love #3[/quote:bxobcleb]
Thank you so much Ernie for sharing this beautiful episode of London Hearts.
[hide:bxobcleb]I cried watching this episode. When Nomura appears, I was a bit worried, and keep hoping things didn't go the "other" way, and thank goodness it didn't. Congratulations to Yashiro Yuu and Nomura Shinji!
Btw, the part the ring didn't fit on her finger was very funny [/hide:bxobcleb]
Thank you so much ErnieYoung!
Thank you very much
[hide:ecft9azo]輝く! 日本ドッキリスター大賞
[attachment=0:ecft9azo]LH_160701_SP JAPAN DOKKIRI STAR AWARDS II.zip[/attachment:ecft9azo][/hide:ecft9azo]
Thank you ernie
cant download the zip file
[quote="reyhanartha":1jibzpj6]cant download the zip file[/quote:1jibzpj6]
Works for me, what error are you seeing?
[quote="soudou":inqle7e9][quote="reyhanartha":inqle7e9]cant download the zip file[/quote:inqle7e9]
Works for me, what error are you seeing?[/quote:inqle7e9]
its working now
couldnt click it before.
[attachment=0:17m2bx9b]LH_160708_LOVEMAGEDDON XII.zip[/attachment:17m2bx9b][/hide:17m2bx9b]
This is my favorite LH corner. Thanks for sharing this. I get to watch this on my birthday! Ernieさん万歳!
[quote="aokakesu":1fe665pd]This is my favorite LH corner. Thanks for sharing this. I get to watch this on my birthday! Ernieさん万歳![/quote:1fe665pd]
Happy Birthday