make ur free megaupload premium

Doesnt work for me :confused: it says i have web browsers on however i don’t . I tried rebooting my PC same problem… Please Help !

[quote="pleasebeapoop":331tix4c]i dont know if people allready did this… but here i gave you how you can make ur free megaupload become premium with no LEECH included…

1.register megaupload as a free user
2. download this

*i can asure you theres no virus…and no porn there…

4.and than open the program and click on the "megakey benefits"


and tick all of the box or shit there

and answer the data there
and BAM you got urself some megaupload premium

tell me if it is working or no…its fine with my computer
im using windows 7 and everything works like a handjob maria ozawa gave it to me "smooth"

so there you go i will came back with more tricks if you might intrested… :)[/quote:331tix4c]
why the heck are u giving rapidshare link when u can download it off megaupload directyly …
i have a better way of unlocking the happy hour and it will last me 12 hour lasting from 9 am in the morning to 9pm in the midnight +8GMT

yeah they have happy hours now…i dont think this trick wont work anymore…and i post this trick in march…why you guys 3 come here 3 days before 2012 begins…LOL it works fine when i post this in march…now they dont work anymore because they release happy hour…so yeah…

yeah, I don’t think that’s the biggest problem with MU right now :)

I got a better idea. Instead of using dodgy programs, why not use websites like ALL-DEBRID. It’s french based but i think i can work out for anyone if you can use paypal or international pay-by-call numbers.

Basically ALL-DEBRID and many other sites of this sort allow you to download off something like 50 hosting service for roughly 2 to 4$, payed with a phone call or other micro payment means. Depens on the site but i get 20 days premium of everything imaginable for 1.89€
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