New Absolutely Tasty - "Cooking I wanted to try" Competition


LMAO! [b:fcp3vcz5]Please![/b:fcp3vcz5] tell me! from wich episode is this gif? :D


LMAO! [b:14ur4f1a]Please![/b:14ur4f1a] tell me! from wich episode is this gif? :D[/quote:14ur4f1a]
Episode #1091 2012.02.05 - Kiki Canned Tuna


^That gif is really cute!

On akan: it’s the kansai-ben form of da me(no good or unacceptable) ... nown_words

Like when a kansai-ben speaking comedian is presented with something horrible, he might exclaim "akan!" or "kore akan yo"

Can anyone reupload this? it seems the mega link is only 12 mins long :(

Part 1!GhlwXZZD!cB1MSQL2IAas ... XyTA_Pb48E

Part 2!qhVznLwI!O2fTvgjS5etL ... 90UbLpr7Xs

Enjoy :)

[quote="deathgod":hx9s38tw]Can anyone reupload this? it seems the mega link is only 12 mins long :([/quote:hx9s38tw]