No-Laughing Hotelman Batsu (2009)

they have outdone themselves this yr

HAHA Did you see the DVD Part?

Yamasaki OUTO Engeru :D

the button system just gets better every year. They need to press the last 2 as well

Man, they’ve got some really nice girls on their ad :D

Nice Gun Surprise! :D

The gun part was hillarious. Pretty impressive stuff they come up with

I almost jumped out of my seat when the bullet hit Endo. Totally unexpected 8o

looks like the show got a ton of sponsers

omg they really used chiaki…

Hi, I’m new here. Anyway, Chiaki appeared with her new Onii! :P

Ha. Ma. Da. Ma. Sa. To. Shi.

LOL at Matsumotos reaction, when he gets hit unexpected

Picochan :D

Who the hell are the two gaijins they were laughing at? :D

Man that video was something else. The return of chiaki and her new husband. :D Who was that other woman in the video. Something with Hamada maybe?

Isn’t that girl also on Samurai Chuto?

I’ma try out this “watch later” tab on the thing…hopefully it’ll work 8hrs after from now…

Man that was a long battle for the food. Reminds me of the 24hr tag game. I wonder if someone is recording the whole batsu game.

God…fell asleep lol…perfect…cant wait for the upload…son of a beech…fell a sleep…

[quote:31p8czro][i:31p8czro]Originally posted by pacmanlh[/i:31p8czro]
Man that was a long battle for the food. Reminds me of the 24hr tag game. I wonder if someone is recording the whole batsu game.[/quote:31p8czro]

I guess yes :D


Trying to fight sleep… Need caffine