Rice (subbed)

[color=blue:hsctz572]thanks[/color:hsctz572][color=blue:hsctz572][COLOR=blue][CENTER].endo :clap: Matsumoto :lol:[/CENTER][/color:hsctz572][/COLOR]

Oh my gosh! Didn’t realise DTFS were back! Can’t wait to see what they release next…so happy

Great job on subbing, DTFS!
My wife and I enjoyed this episode very much.


Thank you, great job :D :D :D

Here’s a Youtube version… just in case people can’t view videos on Veoh! :)
Part 1 (English Subbed)
Part 2 (English Subbed)

I LOVE GAKI NO TSUKAI (sorry for sudden craze, but i just thought I should let you know)

Thanks, but is there no .ass file?

aw the video is no longer available! =(

So tonight I decided to try Tanaka’s beer and edamame rice. I even picked up some Japanese beer for this one. It was…

…ew. The rice had a hint of beer flavor to it, but the edamame lost all of it’s flavor. In the end it tasted like rice with a slight beer stink to it.

I understand eastern and western palettes are tuned to different styles of cooking, but if this is an 8 to them I might as well run out and buy a bear’s paw – they gave that a 2, it’d probably be a 10 for me.

everything down :(

This one is still online and in high quality


Unavailable in any medium anywhere, at this time.

its not available anymore

It Sucks being late to the party… ;(

I concur. I was trying to get that torrent going and of course, there’s no progress.

Edit: WAIT! I spoke too soon. After waiting about 5 min, the torrent started and sped up. Victory !!

Download Link :)
Hard Subbed Version.
Have Fun Watching :)

