[b:ert83c0c]Update[/b:ert83c0c]: Episodes #201 - #225 are up, and the repeated links have been fixed. Thanks for the notice everyone!
162 and 163 are identical link
are all of these episode subbed? before i download it
@parangnorman Nope.
Thank you for all the wonderful download links!
Wow, this is so awesome…I was born on the day of the first episode of Gaki no Tsukai, 3 oct 1989.
[quote="solari":2qdr3iss]I was born on the day of the first episode of Gaki no Tsukai, 3 oct 1989.[/quote:2qdr3iss]
So you’ve been alive for 1170 weeks + about four days! Cool!
[b:20jk6lqh]Update[/b:20jk6lqh]: Episodes #226-#250 are up, fixed the link to #163
wow, nice collection! Can you help me find this video?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOCkfcL ... e=youtu.beIdk whick episode is this
[quote="Vega":3resp2fm]wow, nice collection! Can you help me find this video?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOCkfcL ... e=youtu.beIdk whick episode is this [/quote:3resp2fm]
It’s episode 422: 菅プレゼンツ勝って勝って勝ちまくれ!嵐のオーバー・ザ・トップ!!
http://en.channel.pandora.tv/channel/vi ... all&page=1Anyone interested in episodes 400 and up? Still got most of them.
[quote="shorto":nmj1zxls]Anyone interested in episodes 400 and up? Still got most of them.[/quote:nmj1zxls]
Of course!
Oh yes.
Please sub all episodes.
[quote="shorto":es4nf9re]Anyone interested in episodes 400 and up? Still got most of them.[/quote:es4nf9re]
Yes please
Thank you very much for your effort!
[quote="shorto":2ah45d2n]Anyone interested in episodes 400 and up? Still got most of them.[/quote:2ah45d2n]
I had missed this post… yes! I am
[quote="shorto":2qb3cw0u]Anyone interested in episodes 400 and up? Still got most of them.[/quote:2qb3cw0u]
Absolutely! My collection runs thinner after 400
Here are some missing episodes
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/download/z24kl1d4byc9gfu/Gaki+No+Tsukai±+Ep+224±+Ecology+Emergency+%281994.05.08%29.flv:2eh032t6]Ep 224[/url:2eh032t6]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/download/4mxvx9up16r9b6y/Gaki+No+Tsukai±+Ep+240±+Trial+2+Wada+%281994.08.28%29.flv:2eh032t6]Ep 240[/url:2eh032t6]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/download/z17d4qawnggd3b0/Gaki+No+Tsukai±+Ep+244±+Visit+To+Takeo+Chii+Chii%27s+House+%281994.09.25%29.flv:2eh032t6]Ep 244[/url:2eh032t6]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/download/murenhabbd6pt4e/Gaki+No+Tsukai±+Ep+245±+Trial+3+Umemiya+Tatsuo+Dzura+%281994.10.02%29.flv:2eh032t6]Ep 245[/url:2eh032t6]
[quote="prownage":2gsay190]Here are some missing episodes[/quote:2gsay190]
Awesome, thanks!
[quote="shorto":ouvkliad]Anyone interested in episodes 400 and up? Still got most of them.[/quote:ouvkliad]
Maybe you can put these eps in a new thread?
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/download/4cv6m0abtpw5xeu/gnt_117.zip:12p64nxb]MF Ep 117[/url:12p64nxb]
Ep is in two videos because I ripped from youtube.