(2009 11 08) This week episode: High Tension!! (Ep 979)

[color=darkred:k39vuzao]As i promised… And since no one cleared something against it… Here’s this week episode on Megaupload to download!!!:[/color:k39vuzao][img:k39vuzao]http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/3480/thumbs20091110222413.jpg[/img:k39vuzao]
Download it: [url=http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5Q5TNO5O:k39vuzao][b:k39vuzao][color=firebrick:k39vuzao][size=167:k39vuzao]HERE!![/size:k39vuzao][/color:k39vuzao][/b:k39vuzao][/url:k39vuzao]

[size=134:k39vuzao]Se y’all next week and please don’t stop looking my [url=http://orosa.livejournal.com:k39vuzao]Livejournal[/url:k39vuzao]for more than Gaki eps!![/size:k39vuzao]

Thanks!! :] :D

Torrent link:


subbed ?

Sorry… Nope… None of my uploads are subbed… :(

Gaki no Tsukai Episode 979, Aired on 2009, November the 8th.
Now it’s time to present a new top 10 High Tension comedy skit. Downtown will act as hosts and they will go up the list starting from 10.

can someone please reuped this? i want it so bad :)

[quote="pleasebeapoop":1pe88f1c]can someone please reuped this ?[/quote:1pe88f1c]

I wish the same ! :)

megaupload link dead