Ok. We are approximately two thirds of the way through this year. The end is looming. So… anyone want to start guessing what the topic of this year’s Batsu Special might be? Given the troubles there recently, I wouldn’t be wholly unsurprised if they skipped it (though horrifically disappointed). At the same time, it’s possible they could go the exact opposite way, and make it even bigger this time around. (End the year on a fun note).
So, anyone got any ideas what it might be, if anything? We’ve had high-school kids, policemen, newspaper reporters, nurses, spies! I think the latest trend is to the more unusual professions. I think it’s highly unlikely that it’s not going to be an outdoor profession (too cold! No break room! No drawer gags!)
So! For those posting later, list the following:
1.) What topic for this year’s Batsu do you think it might be?
2.) What gags will we see return?
3.) How long will this special run?
4.) Who will laugh the most? (Joke question. We all know that’d be Matsumoto )
5.) Will there be a new "first"?
6.) Will the record for most punishments be beaten at last?
My answers:
1.) Restaurant waiter? It’d be great for gags and special guests.
2.) Drawer gags, definitely. Chono will slap one or more people, with Yamasaki the given target. Hamada and Matsumoto will friendly fire as usual. Chiaki and new Onii will be there.
3.) Four hours?
5.) Might be some new gag that hasn’t been done before. I still remember the first time they did an explosion. Wonderful the way they went about it.
6.) I think not. Unfortunately.
I just hope they play a "betting" game or something like that to see who’s gonna get into the Batsu game, cause am tired of seeing all 5, and I hope they harden up the punishments as they did in the early batsu games
Personally, I want to see the return of the mystery buttons. It seems like they’ve been neglected in the past two. I hope the next one, if there is one, is rife with mysterious buttons.
[quote:2c6fczfa]1.) What topic for this year’s Batsu do you think it might be?[/quote:2c6fczfa]
a place where we can see backstages of movies/tv shows, with a lot of tricks…you see what I mean ?
[quote:2c6fczfa]2.) What gags will we see return?[/quote:2c6fczfa]
The Desks yamasaki and Chôno, Chiaki and Shin Onii
[quote:2c6fczfa]3.) How long will this special run?[/quote:2c6fczfa]
Maybe 5-6 hours ? or a 24hours long program ! With no uncut scene o/
[quote:2c6fczfa]4.) Who will laugh the most? (Joke question. We all know that’d be Matsumoto )[/quote:2c6fczfa]
Yeah, Matsumoto ! ;D
[quote:2c6fczfa]5.) Will there be a new "first"?[/quote:2c6fczfa]
I don’t know, but I want to see Hamada’s son !
[quote:2c6fczfa]6.) Will the record for most punishments be beaten at last?[/quote:2c6fczfa]
Yes, it will !
Ooooh. Military. Yeah, they already did a class with that guy on special forces, and it was hilarious. (I forget his name, forgive me!) Yes, that has a LOT of potential! You laugh? Ten pushups! By the end of the first two hours they’d be rendered into squishy jelly. Then they could change it to ten situps. Another two hours, and they’ll jelly again. Then ten pullups!
End result, lots of laughs, and they get a little buff out of it.
[quote="Whackjob":bb07nz8t]Personally, I want to see the return of the mystery buttons. It seems like they’ve been neglected in the past two. I hope the next one, if there is one, is rife with mysterious buttons. [/quote:bb07nz8t]
^^ This, although the issue may be due to the actors being ‘too smart’ to mess with them anymore. I hope that the sleeping dog game comes back, maybe not for food purposes but maybe earning some slack from the punishments?
I hope the tag bit stays with Spy as it made sense to bring it back for the 10th year anniversary but shouldn’t be a mainstay. I too would hope maybe they go back to a bet/challenge for this one - especially since Downtown themselves are getting up there in years. Hell, perhaps bring License or Amegari in to sub? I’d love seeing Miyasako or Vacuum Fujiwara dealing with the batsu game
Gotta keep Yama-chan and Cocorico in there though - how else is Deluxe going to flirt with Endou? XD
Matsumoto and Hamada are still spry as ever. They may not have the energy of youth, but when the situation merits it, they can certainly [i:1l0psr37]move[/i:1l0psr37]. For evidence, I submit every "don’t be afraid" segment where they were genuinely afraid.
I’d like to see something like the Hotel vs. Hotel Humor Challenge in the Hotal Man playing. That part was amazing. The humor, the impersonations, Shin Onii… Fantastic. It’s about time something like that would happen again.
I’d also like to see Yamazaki in a strange, buttcheek-exposing costume at one point.
I’d like to see Heipo involved. Actually. Maybe even for the whole twenty-four hours. But his rule wouldn’t be "don’t laugh", but rather "don’t get scared". If they were to do that, then Matsumoto would easily break his old record for outs. I remember the hotelman batsu. Remember when the Po channel first came up? And Heipo was mentioned? Watch Matsumoto’s reaction.
– 19.09.2011, 14:31 –
Giving this thread a little bump. I’m kind of surprised, I’d thought they would have announced the topic of this year’s Batsu special by now. I hope it isn’t a bad sign.
I think we can say they won’t be nuclear plant technicians.
Not so sure they won’t go outside. They’re a bit masochistic there. Military could fit in (as mentioned before). Construction workers maybe. Going back to school, what about college students this time around? Careermen?
I’d love to see something along the lines of "No Laughing Prison Escape."
Watching the cast dressed as prisoners as well as all the prisoner related events they could go through.
Including them arriving at the prison, passing all the "inmates," going to various sections of the prison to get caught in events and traps, and ending with a segment where they are dragged into an escape plan, and they have to get out through the prisons basement and escape, which could be an excellent "horror" segment.
Itao could be the warden.
Fujiwara could be the guard who escorts them through the prison.
Ayako Nishikawa could be the executioner for the prison.
Heipo, a a jailer who gets intimidated by inmates very easily.
Jimmy Onishi could show up as someone who chats with them in the visitors center.
And Chono could be a hardened criminal they meet in the lunch room who has a bone to pick.
Of course ANYTHING they do will be great, but I just personally like the idea of a prison environment, it seems to fit the attitude of the games well.
Hah, I thought about making this thread two days ago.
A prison would be a really great idea, but finding a location for that could be hard.
As I already wrote in last year’s speculation thread;
Amusement park, where they’re working and have to fix stuff. This could also include having a kind of introduction and training. They’d have to deal with famous guests etc.
Some kind of boat cruise could also be interesting. But that could be extremely interesting and maybe they’d even get seasick.
Giving this thread a little bump. I’m kind of surprised, I’d thought they would have announced the topic of this year’s Batsu special by now. I hope it isn’t a bad sign.
It’s only beginning of October.
The theme probably won’t be announced until the end of November or early December, similar to last year.