Based on [url=]this image[/url:3845xhiw] I figured out the sign in the upper-right is for [url=]ZChain[/url:3845xhiw] which helpfully has a web page listing [url=]all ZChain shops in Shizuoka[/url:3845xhiw]. I did a street view on each one and, of course, it was the last one on the list.
[url=,138.9806807,3a,75y,310.08h,84.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sd7hId8ksFVQfdnkUhdpeOQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656:3845xhiw]Here is the street view image from where that Twitter picture was taken[/url:3845xhiw].
Knowing the bus was traveling at the camera, I used the maps to follow the road back, looking for parks (they typically use a local park as a starting point) and I found the [url=,138.9790765,136m/data=!3m1!1e3:3845xhiw]Ashigarafureai Park[/url:3845xhiw] which is where they start for the batsu game. You can tell this because, luckily, there’s street view data going all the way around the park. From [url=,138.9797612,3a,19.8y,191.81h,95.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3kS8Nl4uSsRe5WGQIM8R-A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656:3845xhiw]this vantage point[/url:3845xhiw] you can see the white house with the wide, short windows and the yellow house farther to the left that you also see in the background of [url=]this image[/url:3845xhiw].
Haven’t found the headquarters yet. The only image to go off of is [url=]this one[/url:3845xhiw]. It’s almost certainly an old school building. Finding those using Google Earth is pretty easy, just look for the playground areas (big, square area of dirt) usually behind the schools where the kids would play.
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[url=,138.9740295,3a,75y,313.48h,84.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFNAn0P8fxI9SGZCjSZDCQg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656:3845xhiw]Found it![/url:3845xhiw] Looks like it’s some kind of training center. [url=]Its official homepage (I think)[/url:3845xhiw] and [url=]here’s a blog from someone who attended an event there and includes a bunch of photos.[/url:3845xhiw]
I wonder if there will be a onigokko game this year. [url=,138.9737755,173m/data=!3m1!1e3:3845xhiw]It looks like there’s space to run around[/url:3845xhiw], but maybe there will be a secondary location like the Earth Defense Force batsu game.