Aho Aho Man - Rooftops


subbed by Zurui

This is definitely one of the best Aho Aho Man episodes! Thank you for the upload!

[quote="hand":2lpuolev]Taken from the Best of Gottsu DVD set #5 disc2

download links?

Do you mean the DVDs or just this Aho Aho Man skit?

can i have the download link for DVD.

those were some freakin sweet moves. and you gota love the soundtrack!

"Ladies don’t belong in a fight"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Please don’t forget, that Zurui just recently subbed this video.

Thnx alot Zurui!

Haha this Aho Aho Man Episode is very funny :D shock part is the best :D

youtube has removed it. any other links? :confused:

[b:2f82y1au]Download from color=#d11e00:2f82y1au[/color:2f82y1au] :[/b:2f82y1au]

Aho Aho Man - Rooftops.avi (28.7 MB)

https://mega.co.nz/#!6RgHHbzb!Gh9L82zLw ... xczsJad80A