hello everyone!
i found this blog [url:2xpdqz3z]http://mygakiblog.blogspot.co.uk/[/url:2xpdqz3z]
he isn’t a subber… yet i think
but he has analysed & explained a lot of gaki no tsukai episodes it seems
im not sure many people know his blog as there were only 2 members before i made it 3
it is a Crime!! i tell u
so plz every1 join his blog… its a fascinating read
btw— do any of u feel an overdose of gaki?xd
i feel a bit weird today… perhaps i should watch something else for a changexd
the new episodes cant be as funny as before i guess… only a few years before they bow out
we need some manzai subs of when matsu just went hage- & extremely short tempered