@(TV undisclosed scene include)
101111 運動神経悪い芸人@
@(TV undisclosed scene include)
101111 運動神経悪い芸人@
110107 運動神経悪い芸人II@
111006 運動神経悪い芸人III@
111020 運動神経悪い芸人 vs 少年野球チーム@
111230 運動神経悪い大賞@
Thank you very much! I love this segment!
I recall there being more recent episodes but with more made up sports? Anyone know where I can watch them?
[quote="Ahobo":t3n1j4n1]I recall there being more recent episodes but with more made up sports? Anyone know where I can watch them?[/quote:t3n1j4n1]
You are probably looking for the "Let’s Try New Athetics", (aka "Geinin Tai-Atari Simulation").
[quote="orta":18tstl7q]111230 運動神経悪い大賞@
is this the last episode for undo shinkei before the next episode in 2014? please enlighten me!
131230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人vsガリガリ芸人
141230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
151230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
161230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
i think you can search some of it by Ernie’s post
[quote="orta":3608pd2x]131230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人vsガリガリ芸人
141230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
151230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
161230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
i think you can search some of it by Ernie’s post[/quote:3608pd2x]
thank you!! but i can’t find the 2013 episode do you have any link guys? and the link of the whole 5 hour sp? thanks in advance
[quote="spoonful-rainbow":37f0y1tv][quote="orta":37f0y1tv]131230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人vsガリガリ芸人
141230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
151230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
161230 5HSP 運動神経悪い芸人
i think you can search some of it by Ernie’s post[/quote:37f0y1tv]
thank you!! but i can’t find the 2013 episode do you have any link guys? and the link of the whole 5 hour sp? thanks in advance [/quote:37f0y1tv]
Please wait.
ame ta-lk 2013.12.30 - 5HSP Part 2: Undo-shinkei Warui Geinin vs Garigari Geinin
[attachment=0:1r2k0nms]ame ta-lk_131230_5HSP [2] Undo-shinkei Warui Geinin vs Garigari Geinin.zip[/attachment:1r2k0nms][/hide:1r2k0nms]
[quote="ErnieYoung":3lezz429]ame ta-lk 2013.12.30 - 5HSP Part 2
ame ta-lk_131230_5HSP [2] Undo-shinkei Warui Geinin vs Garigari Geinin.zip[/hide:3lezz429][/quote:3lezz429]
thank you ernie for this part!!! do you have the whole 5 hours of this?
[quote="spoonful-rainbow":2ewuetm9]thank you ernie for this part!!! do you have the whole 5 hours of this? [/quote:2ewuetm9]
Yes, I have it.
[quote="ErnieYoung":10mqceem]ame ta-lk 2013.12.30 - 5HSP Part 2[/quote:10mqceem]
Oh my…its so funny… im cry with laughter…
Thanks for re-up ErnieYoung
I like Yukie Nakama and Hiroshi Abe in Trick series
Hi orta
Thank you for the series
Could you please reupload the links 1~4? m(_ _)m
Thank you very much!
[quote="ErnieYoung":1dd3w9es]ame ta-lk 2013.12.30 - 5HSP Part 2
ame ta-lk_131230_5HSP [2] Undo-shinkei Warui Geinin vs Garigari Geinin.zip[/hide:1dd3w9es][/quote:1dd3w9es]
Ernie, may I have this please? Undo-shinkei are my favorite group
I watched the 2016 Undo-shinkei you reuploaded for me! I laughed so hard I was so tired, or like Miyasako says, "shindoi!"