i found this video which i find it very crazy…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsB5LnLa ... re=relatedif any of you wish to share then by all means post so we can learn and share with others thanks
i found this video which i find it very crazy…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsB5LnLa ... re=relatedif any of you wish to share then by all means post so we can learn and share with others thanks
I have lots of them
Firstly, shows made by Beat Takeshi and his "army’ (Takeshi Gundan):
"Takeshi’s Castle" (風雲!たけし城 - Fuun! Takeshi Jou) ( I can’t show a representative video for this one, just search for it on youtube; this is the English version, that cut some parts of the show, mostly sketches between Takeshi and the "army". If you want to see a more complete version, search for the Spanish version, "Humor Amarillo")
And お笑いウルトラクイズ - Owarai Ultra Quiz (sorry, not the best videos, but the show keeps getting deleted)
Then other shows:
パニックフェイス - Panic Face/ パワフルフェイス - Powerful Face (has been renamed)
Dero (no idea about the kanji)
Takeshi and the Gundan made lots of amusing shows, but most of them were mixed with talking, commercials and other things that tend to be confusing for someone who doesn’t understand the culture or the language. But I’ll show some of the more interesting parts:
スーパージョッキー - Super Jockey (this part is called ガンバルマン - Gambaruman)
元気が出るテレビ (the show is pretty old, so it’s not the best quality ever) (Panic Face is just a newer version of this show, almost all of their pranks came off from this show)
I am not sure is this is from the same show or not, but it’ s still funny:
Definitely not the full list, but I’ll update it when I’ll remember
Great post Thanks for sharing!
No problem! I promise that I’ll post more as soon as possible
I have a 4 hour special of a show that does many of the pranks you just showed. And the good news is it aired last week
I will sub some of it, and post it on Youtube. I’l give the links later. I think will only post the 100 people prank part. and Endo is one of the guests on the show , but he does not get pranked ! its the joke a the end of the show, endo asks: "wait ? its the end? where is my prank?" then they go "endo… you did not get pranked"
anyway I’ll keep ya up if I upload it.
Also, the show DERO does not exist anymore. It stopped airing a year ago and was replaced by TORE! (yea they don’t bother with the names) and it still airs at this moment …
Maybe that was his prank
I was actually wondering why I didn’t hear anything about DERO in a while, but TORE in an awful name
I can’t wait for your videos
i found something on torrents on korea tv…some crazy gameshows as well
http://www.asiatorrents.com just browseI have always been a big fan of TORE myself.
there is another one, its called Run for Money
http://d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopic_113161.htmya can also find a very recent episode on Youku.
[quote="||—PEGO—||":15g8vwud]there is another one, its called Run for Money [/quote:15g8vwud]
‘Run for money’ is absolutely epic!
Another game you guys should check is ‘G Wars’ (G★WARS 緯來).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2XDjRwwhYM&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdbifVkAXyQ&feature=plcpAnd maybe ‘King of Chairs’. I personally find it pretty dull, but who knows?
Hey, first post here. And it’s just to say THANKS for this thread, it’s a gold mine! I’d been wondering where to find more information on the names of some Japanese game/prank shows for years…
Check out some of those related videos on the Youtube pages, there’s so much going on there that would never turn up by searching
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ROiSvVy … ure=fvwrel