Batsu 2010 pool, place your bets!

And here is the second annual batsu betting pool. It’s just for laughs and bragging rights. If anyone remembers from last year I will record your responses and post detailed results after the batsu is over. You can check here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=680&hilit=2009+batsu+pool if you’re curious about last year’s.

And now to the questions, just respond with your answers.

  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka

  3. Who will open their desk first?

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?

  11. Who will hit their button first?

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".

  1. Matsumoto
  2. Yamazaki
  3. Matsumoto
  4. Matsumoto
  5. Tanaka
  6. Hamada
  7. Matsumoto
  8. Matsumoto
  9. Endo
  10. Hamada
  11. Yamazaki
  12. Hamada
  13. Yamazaki
  14. Matsumoto
  15. 4 times
  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?
    ·The first one tends to be a great one, so I’ll say all of them.

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka
    ·Yama-chan (classic)

  3. Who will open their desk first?

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?
    ·Tanaka (as seen in the preview).

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?
    ·Downtown. Both of them. Matsumoto will hide it with his arm, and Hamada will directly hit Fujiwara.

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?
    ·Matsumoto, unless he is sent apart to rest because of his surgery.

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?

  11. Who will hit their button first?

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
    ·Chiaki, Hamada’s wife (she had great results last year) and I would like to see Matsumoto’s bro in a performance. It seems neither Tanaka nor Yamazaki have any kind of family at all.

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)
    ·Matsumoto. He will comment something funny.

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?
    ·Hamada… but Matsumoto will also laugh at his own joke.

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".
    ·I guess about 6.

  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka

  3. Who will open their desk first?

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?

  11. Who will hit their button first?

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
    Endo, Matsumoto

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".

  1. Everyone

  2. Tanaka?

  3. Endo

  4. Endo

  5. Tanaka

  6. Hamada

  7. No one. (following the trend from last year)

  8. Matsumoto

  9. Tanaka

  10. Matsumoto

  11. There will be no buttons. (if there are buttons Hamada)

  12. Matsumoto, Endo

  13. Matsumoto (while making himself laugh as well)

  14. Matsumoto

  15. 6 times. Really depends on the members.

  1. All

  2. Tanaka

  3. Hamada (I can see Matsumoto being more hesitant to check his desk nowadays :D )

  4. Endo

  5. Tanaka

  6. Hamada

  7. Matsumoto lol

  8. Matsumoto

  9. Endo

  10. Yamazaki

  11. Yamazaki

  12. Endo, Hamada… maybe Matsumoto too (his brother could concoct some musical score for the event 007 style…)

  13. Hamada

  14. Matsumoto

  15. 5

1-All of them (as always);
3-Matsumoto of course;
4-Endo and Matsumoto;
8-Matsumoto-san as always;
12-Matsumoto’s brother;
13-Yama-chan to Endo;
15-5 Times;

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?
    -all of them

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka

  3. Who will open their desk first?

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?

  11. Who will hit their button first?

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
    -Matsumoto, Yamazaki

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".

  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?
  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka
  3. Who will open their desk first?
  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?
  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?
  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?
  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?
  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?
  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?
  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?
  11. Who will hit their button first?
  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)
  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?
  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".
  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?
  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka
  3. Who will open their desk first?
  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?
  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?
  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?
  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?
  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?
  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?
  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?
  11. Who will hit their button first?
  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
    Matsumoto’s wife (that would be a miracle), Hamada’s wife and kids, Chiaki for sure.
  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)
  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?
  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".

Ugh thats gonna be hard this time…

  1. ill go with 4 out of 5, Hamada, Matsumoto, Yamazaki Endou

  2. Yamazaki

  3. Matsumoto

  4. Really hard to tell… (i hope the setting will be right) Endou

  5. Tanaka

  6. Yamazaki

  7. Endou

  8. Thats a tough one… but looking at the previous ones ill go with Matsumoto

  9. Tanaka

  10. Endou (but i hope we wont see Heipo =P )

  11. Yamazaki (in case he has none, Hamada)

  12. Endou = Chiaki for sure / Hamada’s Wife / Matsumotos Brother.

  13. Hamada

  14. Matsumoto

  15. 7

  1. Who will be the first to receive the batsu?


  1. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka


  1. Who will open their desk first?


  1. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?


  1. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?


  1. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?


  1. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?


  1. Who will recieve the most Batsus?


  1. Who will recieve the least Batsus?


  1. Who will laugh at Heipo first?


  1. Who will hit their button first?


  1. Whose family members will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)

All of them, hopefully

  1. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)


  1. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?


  1. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".

3 each

It’s got to be like this! :D

  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?
  • Matsumoto (They’ll probably all laugh the first time)
  1. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka
  • Yamazaki
  1. Who will open their desk first?
  • Endo
  1. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?
  • Matsumoto or Endo
  1. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?
  • Tanaka
  1. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?
  • Hamada
  1. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?
  • Matsumoto
  1. Who will recieve the most Batsus?
  • Matsumoto
  1. Who will recieve the least Batsus?
  • Tanaka
  1. Who will laugh at Heipo first?
  • Yamazaki
  1. Who will hit their button first?
  • Hamada
  1. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
  • Chiaki, Matsumoto’s brother, Endo’s Brother, Hamada’s wife
  1. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)
  • Yamazaki
  1. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?
  • Matsumoto
  1. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".
  • 4
  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?
  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka
  3. Who will open their desk first?
  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?
    All of them :)
  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?
  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?
  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?
  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?
    Matsumoto (poor Matsumoto)
  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?
  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?
  11. Who will hit their button first?
  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
    Matsumoto’s, Hamada’s, Yamazaki’s (maybe granny… who knows)
  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)
  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?
  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".
    5 times
  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?
  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka
  3. Who will open their desk first?
  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?
  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?
  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?
  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?
  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?
  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?
  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?
  11. Who will hit their button first?
  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
    Chiaki and Hamadas wife
  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)
  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?
  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".
    6 times
  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu? [b:pzrhrvxe]Matsumoto[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? [b:pzrhrvxe]Yamazaki[/b:pzrhrvxe] or Tanaka

  3. Who will open their desk first? [b:pzrhrvxe]Yamazaki[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi? [b:pzrhrvxe]Endou[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku? [b:pzrhrvxe]Tanaka[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first? [b:pzrhrvxe]Matsumoto[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first? [b:pzrhrvxe]Matsumoto[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus? [b:pzrhrvxe]Matsumoto[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus? [b:pzrhrvxe]Tanaka[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first? [b:pzrhrvxe]Yamazaki[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  11. Who will hit their button first? [b:pzrhrvxe]Hamada[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts) [b:pzrhrvxe]Endou[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups) [b:pzrhrvxe]Yamazaki[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first? [b:pzrhrvxe]Matsumoto[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling". [b:pzrhrvxe]7[/b:pzrhrvxe]

  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu? - All five at the same time.
  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka - Tanaka.
  3. Who will open their desk first? - Matsumoto
  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi? - Matsumoto
  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku? - Yamasaki
  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first? - Hamada
  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first? - Hamada (I’m guessing he’ll try it on Matsumoto, and it backfires on him)
  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus? - Matsumoto
  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus? - Endou
  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first? - Matsumoto (Remembering hotelman, if you watch again, the very second Heipo is mentioned, Matsumoto shows the strongest reaction.)
  11. Who will hit their button first? - Hamada (At the behest of Matsumoto)
  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts) - Hamada, Matsumoto, Tanaka, Endou.
  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups) - Hamada
  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first? - Matsumoto
  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling". - 12 (3 for each)
  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu? Endo

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki

  3. Who will open their desk first? Yamasaki

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi? Endo

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku? Tanaka

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first? Matsumoto

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first? Matsumoto

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus? Matsumoto

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus? Tanaka

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first? Hamada

  11. Who will hit their button first? Yamasaki

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts) Hamada

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups) Yamasaki

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first? Matsumoto

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling". 5

  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu?

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki or Tanaka

  3. Who will open their desk first?

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi?

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku?

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first?

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first?

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus?
    Matsumoto (Better question would be: By how many batsu’s will Matsumoto surpass the others? :P )

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus?

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first?

  11. Who will hit their button first?

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts)
    Hamada’s, Matsumoto’s, Endou’s and for this year, I’m guessing Tanaka’s will make their debut.

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups)

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first?

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling".

  1. Who will be the first to recieve the batsu? Matsumoto

  2. Who will the ignore gag be used on (first)? Yamazaki

  3. Who will open their desk first? Hamada

  4. Who will laugh the most times at Jimmy Onishi? Endou

  5. Who will recieve the first tai kiku? Matsumoto

  6. Who will laugh at Fujiwara stuttering first? Matsumoto

  7. Who will fall for Hamada’s "Huh" first? Endou

  8. Who will recieve the most Batsus? Matsumoto

  9. Who will recieve the least Batsus? Yamazaki

  10. Who will laugh at Heipo first? Tanaka

  11. Who will hit their button first? Hamada

  12. Who’s family member’s will make an appearance? (chiaki counts) Matsumoto

  13. Who will cause the first "friendly fire" batsu? (as in cause another member to laugh having nothing to do with any of the set ups) Hamada

  14. Who will laugh from friendly fire first? Matsumoto

  15. How many times will the other members be slapped because of the chouno/yamazaki or chouno/tanaka "stalling". 7