Batsu Games unseen footages

I’m looking for all the GnT shows they broadcoasted after the Batsu Games, the ones with Unseen Footages…
I saw the one in High School, and I know in the forum there’s the Spy, and Hotel too (not download yet) …
I found the others (except Police) on D-A, but it didn’t work T_T

Have you got all the Unseen Footage in DDl please ? -

Thank you~~

If you know the others are in the forum, why not look for it yourself?

[quote="iniquiti":2jkkruex]If you know the others are in the forum, why not look for it yourself?[/quote:2jkkruex]
Because I don’t find them…

Are you serious?

Have you at least tried figuring out which section the ‘unseen [b:210nvz0z]batsu[/b:210nvz0z] footage’ episodes could be in? Because I found all of them in just one click on a certain, specific section where all the Batsu games are located.

You will find them all in Batsu game’s topic. You may find DDL by chance.