1st Battle: ZEUS Wrestling
2nd Battle: Rolling ZEUS
3rd Battle: Ocean Bike
4th Battle: Flying Marshmallow Catch
5th Battle: ZEUS PK
Final Battle: Brave Road
[hide:27o2svdm]究極バトル ゼウス 有吉芸人軍 VS 櫻井ジャニーズ軍
EDIT: I deleted this video to make free space of my MEGA account.
Who’s show is this and who is the main MC of this show?
[quote="Toyabong":2uhnism3]Who’s show is this and who is the main MC of this show?[/quote:2uhnism3]
Geinin’s (Team Blue) Leader: 有吉弘行 Hiroiki ARIYOSHI
Johnny’s (Team Red) Leader: 櫻井翔 Sho SAKURAI
Probably, it’s a one-off special program of "櫻井有吉アブナイ夜会 Sakurai Ariyoshi Abunai Yakai".
http://www.tbs.co.jp/zeus_tbs/ http://www.tbs.co.jp/abunaiyakai/That’s it. Many times the organization and the pacing of the show is so good there’s no need of a visible MC or judge. Those who are behind of the challenges and the batsus (punishments) work so well that’s as if they weren’t there. Just put a charismatic captain in front of each team. There’s even a huge respect among the contestants, and no one makes a funny face if they’re not selected.
Great show. I could recognize most of them from both sides: Geinins, commercials, doramas… but what on Earth was Ichiro Suzuki doing there?
I’m no baseball fan, and I guess he might be a wonderful baseball player… but c’mon, as a soccer goalkeeper he must have lost his mojo since his school days (stretch your arms, dammit! ).
Spoilers[hide:2w988hn5]1st Battle: ZEUS Wrestling / Geinins are older and therefore heavier, so it was a no brainer (still there were good wrestlers among the Johnnys)
2nd Battle: Rolling ZEUS / Johnnies are younger and more athletic. Quite logical
3rd Battle: Ocean Bike / That was sooo great.
4th Battle: Flying Marshmallow Catch / For me it would be a draw / no contest. Too many rounds
5th Battle: ZEUS PK / It seems Geinins let Johnnies win so the final score would be more even
Final Battle: Brave Road / Sure, each contestant took a lot of time, but it was quite exciting… and there was no luck for Kojima in his usual outfit
I didn't expect them to win. Quite a surprise[/hide:2w988hn5]
[quote:gj6nn74z]but what on Earth was Ichiro Suzuki doing there?[/quote:gj6nn74z]
Not the real Ichiro Suzuki.
It’s a geinin imitates him and go with the pun name Nichiro Suzuki.
Ichiro Suzuki’s status is like a god in japan, I’m sure they would treat him with more respect.
Have any members of our lovely gaki ever try the 3rd challenge: Ocean bike?
[quote="youngaloha":2qgh5gn8][quote:2qgh5gn8]but what on Earth was Ichiro Suzuki doing there?[/quote:2qgh5gn8]
Not the real Ichiro Suzuki.
It’s a geinin imitates him and go with the pun name Nichiro Suzuki.
Ichiro Suzuki’s status is like a god in japan, I’m sure they would treat him with more respect.
Have any members of our lovely gaki ever try the 3rd challenge: Ocean bike?[/quote:2qgh5gn8]
Oh, I was shocked. Also I suppose the New York Yankees won’t allow him to go dressed with his uniform due to unwanted endorsement.
I thought it was too strange his poses with the bat, and he was way too much in his role, trying to keep it cool always… and I also thought it would be great to hire him for New Year’s Eve to smack the Gaki boys for the batsu xDD (Endo would be more than happy to see him).
I also thought the fangirls would be even noisier with every single tiny gesture, or perhaps their audience mic volume has been turned down.
Ocean Bike was great, but I would put the Gaki crew just 150m. It’s obvious it was not filmed on the same day, but still looks great.