Has anyone else noticed that Matsumoto has incredibly beautiful hands? I seriously can´t stop watching them and I don´t even have a hand-fetish. His skin-tone is very pretty to begin with, add those very well kept hands and those long fingers and you have a work of art. Just saying…
wonders if she can get hold of some close-up picture of said hands…
Not only very beautiful hands. His whole body and hair is a masterpiece!
[url=http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a137/cmhallock/bigmanjapan.jpg:1ikb49j6]A picture[/url:1ikb49j6]
I shouldn’t really reply as Gakimax already won the thread but I’ve noticed it too. He [i:enlvao88]is[/i:enlvao88] an arteeeest type despite his boke demeanor, so the nice hands are not too surprising!
More often I find myself staring at his [url=http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1fx67JVrd1qercxjo4_250.gif:enlvao88]beautiful eyes[/url:enlvao88]
(´ ▽`).。o♡