Hi, im trying to find this episode of Cocoricos Miracle Type:
http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopi ... 0117db25dc
all the torrents, such as the one above appear to be dead, but there are subtitles available for the episode, really need help trying to find a working download for this
or if anyone has it and is able to upload, would be highly appreciated~
i think it’s this one, but i’m not aware of any d/l for it as a whole file. Hopefully someone else has it, or knows where it can be found.
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrdf1j_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-1-4-yyyy_lifestyle#.UTZFfle7qJA:2ck7zgfb]Part 1[/url:2ck7zgfb]
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrdfdr_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-2-4-yyyyy_lifestyle#.UTZGCle7qJA:2ck7zgfb]Part 2[/url:2ck7zgfb]
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrdg4o_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-3-4-yyyyy_lifestyle#.UTZGOFe7qJA:2ck7zgfb]Part 3[/url:2ck7zgfb]
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrdfrf_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-4-4-yyyyyy_lifestyle#.UTZGvle7qJA:2ck7zgfb]Part 4[/url:2ck7zgfb]
Thanks for bringing subs for this to my attention, Killy.
Thanks very much TorgosHand, i used the videos to create a subbed video, which you can find here: viewtopic.php?f=11&p=38607#p38607 im still looking for the original higher quality raw, but at least i can watch it now