[color=#0000FF:vo432gev][b:vo432gev]-Yamazaki’s denpa shonen in the italian mafia[/b:vo432gev][/color:vo432gev]
stream (start at 38mn49s)
http://en.channel.pandora.tv/channel/vi ... d=38902413
it’s a 2h43 denpa shonen best of so ,may take some time to load
or if you have a problem with pandoratv links ,ask here for a dl link
- [color=#0000FF:vo432gev][b:vo432gev]Matsumoto is in the USA to show his work[/b:vo432gev][/color:vo432gev] [color=#FF0000:vo432gev]Subbed[/color:vo432gev] by Shibatabread
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/ximsjm ... uke-01_fun
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/ximsjo ... uke-02_fun
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/ximsjp ... uke-03_fun
I can’t thank you enough !!! Nasubi denpa is the ultimate tv experience !
Specifically registered to find these links and to thank you, I’ve been trying so hard to find denpa shonen stuff and it just does not exist at all anywhere, used to be on hulu but they took them down.
Is the episode where the two guys are stranded on an island and have to find a way off of it on there? I never saw the conclusion to that.
thank you sooo much!!!
I’ve been looking for the Nasubi episodes for a very very long time!!
Thank you so much for sharing these links!!
Thanks for uploading, however I think episodes 101 and up have all been removed from Rapidshare, is there any way to re-upload them? Thanks.
new links for the nasubi’s denpa shonen
[quote="pychtor":2haouo8i]UPDATE !
new links for the nasubi’s denpa shonen
Thank you so much!!
I registered on these forums for these links. First of all, thank you. I’ve been telling people about Nasubi for YEARS and have never been able to find these videos again since. If anyone has any way of providing subtitles, I would be eternally greatful!
I registered for this too >,< Thanks for sharing, been looking for them everywhere!
So, has anyone had any luck finding subs for nasubi or funako?
I registered for Gamecenter CX but am pleasantly surprised to find Denpa Shounen on here as well. Is there any chance anyone could re-host the Nasubi files that were only ever on Megaupload now that it’s gone belly-up? I’m hoping someday fansubs are available, but for now I’d be more than happy just to be able to watch it raw.
hi everyone ,i’m going to reupload them soon
Hi, I’m wondering if you would still be able to re-upload Denpa Shonen again. I know it’s been a long time but I would love to see more of what happened, especially when he reached his final goal. Thank you…
hey !
about denpa reupload ,i’m looking for better than just rapidshare links ,i’m on it
but i have a surprise ,the nasubi hollydays !
a 21 minutes video here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAXSN5Q ... re=related
- bonus
mastsumoto hitoshi invited to present a denpa shonen show
i’m going to update the first post too ,soon
Is the Hulu version with English subs simply not available anywhere?
I’ve wanted to rewatch that one for a while.
Thank very very much for the re-upload!
Is it correct to assume that your Nasubi episodes "end" when he begins his stay in Korea? I don’t know much Japanese, but that’s sort of what I understood from the last episode you uploaded. Thanks again.
Just finished Nasubi’s journey and even though it was glorious and I already knew about the conclusion, the ending left a bad aftertaste.
This was my absolute favorite moment.