The concept of this show is to get celebrities to present some topics that they are interested in and then Downtown and a panel of other celebrities debate that topic. London Boots’ Tamura Atsushi, Antonio Inoki and Ungirls’ Tanaka Takushi are the presenters for the pilot with
[hide:pedieaqd]Beat Takeshi making a brief appearance.[/hide:pedieaqd]
[hide:fvnmvx8z]Beat Takeshi making a brief appearance.[/hide:fvnmvx8z][/quote:fvnmvx8z]
I just watched this episode and got totally surprised by that.
[hide:fvnmvx8z]Takeshi was actually imitating Samuragochi, the infamous "Japanese Beethoven". I had seen him featured on Wide na Show few times so I really thought it was him until Matsumoto and Hamada busted him and Takeshi talked with his trademark voice. He was doing a different show at the same studio, heard backstage that Downtown was filming a new show and decided to pay a visit without any warning.
Apparently it was the first time in 23 years since Downtown and Beat Takeshi shared a TV appearance.[/hide:fvnmvx8z]
Also, I laughed at Matsumoto’s reaction (ie. completely flat expression) when Tamura Kenji came as a presentator.