Pretty much like what the title says, what’s you’re dream character to cosplay?
As for me, it’s got to be Count from Gankutsuou. But expensive is expensive; doubt I’d ever get it. ;A;
Though I did manage to get myself a Love is War Len cosplay for this year at Anime Revolution so… =w=
Character you just all around want to cosplay, or character you want to cosplay, and wish you could pull off completely?
I have cosplayed alot, but I don’t know. I have had my eyes set on a few cosplays I have always wanted to do.
[color=#FF0000:15kqvaf6]Reverie (Planetarian)[/color:15kqvaf6]
Kuroyukihime (Accel World)
Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
Totoria Helmond (Atelier Totori/Meruru)
Rosa (Final Fantasy 4)
Rydia (Final Fantasy 4)
Terra (Final Fantasy 6)
Celes (Final Fantasy 6)
dream cosplay would be…Mori Motonari or Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara… because I think they are really cool.
Some other character’s that I’d think about one day would be Kagura and Kamui from Gintama…
and some characters from Tales series because they always have intricate designs and pretty clothes!
Also my character from smt: imagine online lol
I have ALWAYS wanted to be able to pull of Vegeta! It is impossible for me to do, but if I could, I TOTALLY would, even just once…And then find a Goku cosplayer to make out with.