
Wow thats some serious quake going on i wish everyone to be well…

Some vids

Train Station:

Google set up a "person finder" where people can search for and contribute information about people in Japan.

The site is [url:2wbnalzy][/url:2wbnalzy] if anyone has a need/use for it.

Best of luck to anyone in Japan.

Edit: Just realized that guests couldn’t see links. Here’s the site -

Lets just pray Japan makes it out in one piece, and nobody gets hurt.Best of luck to the people of Japan.

I hope there isn’t another earthquake on the way. I heard about it just this morning and was really worried when i found out how big it was, and then the tsunamis. My thoughts are with Japan :(

Poor Japan. They reported hundreds dead over here in the states on CNN. Hopefully the aftershocks don’t add anymore damage than there is presently. That would be incredibly sad. ;(

This is horrible news ;_;
My heart goes out to Japan and I hope everyone here affected by the incident will stay safe ><

i hope maria ozawa ok…
and also gaki cast

my deepest condolences from indonesia

jepang turut berduka cita buat negara nipon

Hope Japan makes it out. My thoughts go to every one of them

My thoughts go to every single one of them. Hang in there Japan! … earthquake

My thoughts are with all affected.

On personal note, my family is OK.

Another personal note, Derek, who’s helped me with translation, is in Aomori, which is just north of where the Tsunami occurred. I’m hoping he’s OK.

My Thoughts And Prays Go Out To The People Of Japan. Shocking screens of destruction. :(

I don’t know what to say :( I wish all the people being affected by this disaster the best. I hope they can save as many people as possible so the number of victims won’t increase. I’d really like to help out somehow, unfortunately I don’t have any spare money and I doubt someone would send me to the critical areas there :confused:

I pray for those affected in the tsunami not just in Japan, but friends and family over the world. I hope the nuclear power plant is kept under control as well.

– 11.03.2011, 20:27 –

I’m not of japanese descent, but is it bad that I thought of Gaki No Tsukai right away after hearing of this tragic event, and was worried of losing any of the cast members?

Same here… My thoughts go to japan and all countries affected by the tsunami, more than 500 missing persons At present :( Hope they can save many as they can…

I’m gonna do everything in my powers to help all the people affected by the quake/tsunami! I hope Every Gaki member is OK, and of course all of the other japanese citizens!
I’m going to pray for you!

This breaks my heart, hearing about a earthquake/tsunami just before I go to school, I’ve been thinking about it all day and my thoughts go out to everyone affected by such a terrible disaster. I can’t even imagine being in a situation like that and having to experience the fear.

My Thoughts And Prays Go Out To The People effected by these Tragic Events…

Live feed from Japan