[En Sub/NEW] Gottsu ee Kanji - Stalker


[b:3j4o3tzm]Watch online:[/b:3j4o3tzm] [url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1988j1_en-sub-gottsu-ee-kanji-stalker_fun:3j4o3tzm]Dailymotion[/url:3j4o3tzm]
[b:3j4o3tzm]Download:[/b:3j4o3tzm] [url=https://mega.co.nz/#!YI4TmRIA!XPlal3awZWfFXteIu6AXXB_ksMlRdjQnqyOuMMazzKw:3j4o3tzm]MEGA[/url:3j4o3tzm] (28.5MB)

Yahooo!! Nice!! You people are so kind for do a separate translation from the polish to english, because your translation team is polish, right?? So, I trully thank you for do this. I really enjoy this clips :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yes, our team is polish and now a bit japaneese :D. Its strange how translating from Polish to English is much harder than the other way around. Thx for your kind words. This motivates me a lot to keep translating to English :)

Oh!! I didn’t know that. I didn’t know that it was that hard. More thanks then. We are really short of subbers here, so we appreciate every sub video. So, thanks again pal. Congratulations to you and your team, cause your work is really well done. Keep spreading the Gaki world to all the Polish friends, and "dziękuję bardzo" :clap: :clap:

Super! Mega śmieszny odcinek, dzięki za tłumaczenie! :)