[En Sub/NEW] Gottsu ee Kanji - Stranded in the mountains

We are proud to present our first translation. Our colleague translated a sketch from jap to polish, so we want to share it with you, because it wasn’t translated to english yet.


[b:1fppmegr]Watch online:[/b:1fppmegr] [url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19590b_gottsu-ee-kanji-stranded-in-the-mountains_fun:1fppmegr]Dailymotion[/url:1fppmegr]
[b:1fppmegr]Download:[/b:1fppmegr] [url=https://mega.co.nz/#!EJR2CCbC!LyISnU7eNinXPjrS1ES5vEX_wts_ceUzrThEj-etbI4:1fppmegr]MEGA[/url:1fppmegr] (25.5MB)

Nice!! I always thanks the subbed videos, so THANKS YOU VERY MUCH PAL!!!