[En Sub/NEW/HD] Gottsu ee Kanji - English teacher - Repeat


[b:k1lyo7tt]Watch online:[/b:k1lyo7tt] [url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1l4thj_gottsu-english-teacher-repeat_fun:k1lyo7tt]Dailymotion[/url:k1lyo7tt]
[b:k1lyo7tt]Download:[/b:k1lyo7tt] [url=https://mega.co.nz/#!oBQ0iDyA!Fjjjb12SyVmLn9yltGdlM3vnIkRNtQayhM4HqtQ1Z1U:k1lyo7tt]MEGA[/url:k1lyo7tt] (60.4MB)


hahah thank you for this. it has always been one of my favorites skits, so its good to finally see it in good quality. :D :D :D

Awesome, thank you a lot ! =)

Matsumoto looks so much like the english teacher I had 10 years ago hahaha