Hello everybody. Once again, Haha.
We have released 3 kiki’s in one month making it 4 episodes in total in june. That’s quite the goal.
I just want to say thank you so much to everyone for staying supportive. You can read more on the post on the website.
Seriously. Stay cool.
Oh, and soudou. I thought of you when i picked our thumbnail
Dailymotion link:
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2vg50 ... ng-sub_fun
Website post link:
http://tofupandas.tumblr.com/post/12244 ... juice-time
Thank you for the generous subbing extravaganza you guys have been giving us lately, gotta love Kikis.
[quote="Otviss":3uepkck1]Oh, and soudou. I thought of you when i picked our thumbnail [/quote:3uepkck1]
Haha, well I am honored, thank you for thinking of me and most of all for the funny "Housei staring off into the depths of despair" pic.
[quote="soudou":6fboc5zt]…thank you for thinking of me and most of all for the funny "Housei staring off into the depths of despair" pic…[/quote:6fboc5zt]
Haha no problem! Hosei-san was very funny in this episode. "maji?..maji?.. Maji desuka?..maji?.." Hahahahaha.
Wow so much Kiki. I can’t thank you guys enough!
#1044 - Kiki 28 - 2011-02-27
Hi. I needed a .srt of this episode, so I made one. I just used these translations.
Here it is if anyone else needed one for the raw apple juice from before, or whatever else.
http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=531 ... 2337137843
Simple subs. No fancy animations or pop-up’s but most importantly, no re-encoding.