Let me know if you find any errors or typos.
Hard Sub:
[url=https://mega.co.nz/#!2M9AhDQJ!tE9T3cUCy1O2FiB-QXjRd4OMwEd4AGZoSopbIH-iX_o:2ihga0yi]Kiki Castella.mp4(1104x622)[/url:2ihga0yi]
Soft Sub:
[url=https://mega.co.nz/#!ORti3ZLI!VQRQwKHKTy8XwURXTYB2ABP9M2ITI3heGh9yoZbO6fo:2ihga0yi]Kiki Castella.ass[/url:2ihga0yi]
[url=https://mega.co.nz/#!LIUC0ZgY!KuLVyohLvgTK8SIM269E6j-M_la0WNy0jpvl63G86JE:2ihga0yi]Kiki Castella.mp4(1440x1080)[/url:2ihga0yi]
(Thanks to [b:2ihga0yi]ErnieYoung[/b:2ihga0yi] for the HD mp4 file, please [url=http://www.gaki-no-tsukai.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&p=48537#p48537:2ihga0yi]thank him here[/url:2ihga0yi].)
I’ll ask the same question I always ask. Can you upload the subtitle file to use with the RAW? Please? [/quote:1pvhlx8u][quote="reyhanartha":1pvhlx8u]where is dat .ass?
[quote="Arlekin":1v65s0wl][quote="rko3000":1v65s0wl]Sorry, but no Dailymotion?Because I can’t watch 1080 or high resolution videos on my laptop [/quote:1v65s0wl]
I’m gonna upload the video only for you pal. Just give me a sec
EDIT. Sorry I tried, but the video is "blacklisted" [/quote:1v65s0wl]
Lol don’t worry my friend, at least you tried! thank you very much!