[b:1qz0rwsn]**I started uploading some of these short clips (whatever fits) to [url:1qz0rwsn]https://owarahika.tumblr.com/[/url:1qz0rwsn] in hopes that the policing there vs. dailymotion is less strict. **[/b:1qz0rwsn]
Hello. Because I’ve been watching some Lincoln lately, I subbed a few very short clips (~2 min long) that I found interesting/funny/doable for me to try to softly introduce some friends into Japanese comedy via Twitter.
I’m really into Summers right now and I’ve always liked Miyasako, so that’s what I have to share this time. If you’re like me and have been trying to work through watching Lincoln episodes you probably have seen all these already, but hey, maybe there’s a few who haven’t yet and would enjoy these.
Lincoln #005 2006.05.02)
[url=http://dai.ly/x5sctkg:1qz0rwsn]Summers Bad Breath Check[/url:1qz0rwsn]
[url=http://dai.ly/x5scwyv:1qz0rwsn]Summers Bad Breath Check - Ameagari + Downtown cut (ENG)[/url:1qz0rwsn]
Lincoln #015 (2006.02.14)
[url=http://dai.ly/x5sk2qu:1qz0rwsn]Hidden Taxi - Miyasako cut[/url:1qz0rwsn] - Miyasako demonstrates how comedians should behave in an uncomfortable taxi situation.
Lincoln #023 (2005.11.15)
[url=http://dai.ly/x5sfxob:1qz0rwsn]Summers - Elevator[/url:1qz0rwsn]
Lastly, I just wanted to get it out there that if you want to translate anything with Ameagari’s Miyasako Hiroyuki in it and need a timer/typesetter, I’m willing to help. Let me know!
I did a bit more. I wasn’t really planning to share them here but here they are if anyone does want to check them out. They’re extra rough because I just wanted to tweet about the clips really quickly.
Lincoln #166 (2009.08.25)
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5srta6:w8wprxnf]Mimura helps Ootake with the baby[/url:w8wprxnf] - Mimura comes to help Ootake with the baby but just the two interacting makes them Summers!
Lincoln #193 (2010.05.11)
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5srsiy_hb-hamada-s-frog-eng_fun:w8wprxnf]Hamada’s Frog[/url:w8wprxnf] - Miyasako is excited Hamada guesses the topic for drawing as "frog" correctly… until he sees Hamada’s idea of a frog.
For me personally, these subs are of great value. I recently binge-watched all the Lincoln’s up until 2010 (still busy with the rest)
Got greater insight in the workings of the series. Your subs are like a cherry on the pie. Thanks!
Oh, I’m so glad! I am binge-watching Lincoln as well! (as you can probably tell… clipping and adding subs to parts I especially liked) I’ve watched a bit here and there before, but I want to try to watch most of them in order. It really is my favorite show. Shout out to unos for compiling all the episodes in a Mega folder.
Lincoln #307 (2013.06.18)
Here’s a [url=http://dai.ly/x5svg8i:3ncmx3ju]short one from the Thank You Lincoln game[/url:3ncmx3ju]. I only got 3 minutes in before I was bowling over in laughter. I really like this episode and I’d like to try and sub the whole thing if I can.
Lincoln #307 (2013.06.18)
Here’s a [url=http://dai.ly/x5svg8i:1bk0yni8]short one from the Thank You Lincoln game[/url:1bk0yni8]. I only got 3 minutes in before I was bowling over in laughter. I really like this episode and I’d like to try and sub the whole thing if I can.[/quote:1bk0yni8]
I have this video. Please wait.
I got another one done today. I chose some parts from the Otake’s 41th Birthday Organization episode that I thought were funny. They reference two Lincoln episodes that have been subbed, Classroom with Kojima Yoshio and Classroom with Ariyoshi Hiroiki. If you’ve seen those two, that might make this more fun 'cause you’ll know who they are, maybe.
Lincoln #134 (2008.12.02)
[url=http://dai.ly/x5tv68s:1cmzy5aj]Otake’s 41th birthday party organization (selected cuts)[/url:1cmzy5aj]
Lincoln #206 (2010.08.24)
[url=http://dai.ly/x5vatbj:3bskdt7b]Impersonation Situation - Miyasako as Shibata Kyohei[/url:3bskdt7b]
Similar to Badass Mafia, LINCOLN members have to impersonate a celebrity in a given situation. I cut the parts where Miyasako impersonates Shibata Kyohei, an actor known for playing Yuji in Dangerous Detectives (Abunai Deka). A trailer for one of the AbuDeka movies can be seen [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBA-wy0P3iI:3bskdt7b]here[/url:3bskdt7b]. I recommend checking it out to see what kind of character Yuji is.
I thought the whole episode was funny, but it does require some in-depth knowledge of the celebrities some of the members had to impersonate. I wanted to sub Udo-chan’s too, but I’m under the impression that people aren’t really interested in the other LINCOLN guys that aren’t Downtown…
Lincoln #123 (2008.08.26)
[url=http://dai.ly/x5vb4gk:3bskdt7b]Let’s Speak English! Banana Street - Miyasako[/url:3bskdt7b]
A very useless (and creepy!) clip that was simple to begin with but I wanted to do it anyway 'cause I enjoyed it still. And Miyasako.
Thanks unos! I highly recommend watching the Ootake birthday one in its entirety. It was a lot of fun. I wanted to do more from it but due to lack of time, I just strung all the clips I had subbed together. Some people didn’t like that, but oh well. I’m glad it caught your interest enough to check the whole thing!