Episode #1083 - Talk - 2011.12.04

If you haven’t noticed yet I’m uploading 720p Episodes in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3072



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[size=150:3ot6ygvi]Password: gaki-no-tsukai.com[/size:3ot6ygvi]

Is this talk about airport batsu?

No. But they talk about new year stuff and the mayan calendar if I understood that right.

This is Episode [color=#FF0000:1b0h8n2o]#1083[/color:1b0h8n2o].

My counting was definatly off somewhere because I had Episode #1044 2011.02.27 Kiki Apple Juice labeled as #1043 but it seems only episodes before the earthquake were affected. Instead I’ve changed all of them. -.-

Thanks for bringing it up.

Their talk about aging made me so sad…

Awww, it would be awesome if someone would like to add some subs to this one :p… I love Gaki talks. Thank you so much again Hand!! :D