Episode #1108 - 12.06.03 - Hungry Drive - Part 2



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gj bro, happy to see you recover again 8)

hi hand - the streaming link is the first episode,isn´t it`?

Real part 2:


OP posted link to part 1.

meh, I already posted Part 2 of Hungry Drive in the Part 1 thread so people wouldn’t need to create a new topic, but whatever. :?:

[quote="babyoopsie":j5f9nqbs]meh, I already posted Part 2 of Hungry Drive in the Part 1 thread so people wouldn’t need to create a new topic, but whatever. :?:[/quote:j5f9nqbs]

A new thread is created for every episode.

The curry house one is a big trap, and poor [hide:fl30nb6r]Tanaka[/hide:fl30nb6r] walked into it. :D

Thanks again hand for your hard work.

Thanxxxxxx hand & good to see you beck
Guys, can anyone translate what did Hamada said to Endo at Baskin Robins & Endou tried to ignore them all for a bit

In my opinion the part 1 was more funny. And I thought Yamasaki would lose… :wasntme:

Great work, btw!

[quote="gakifeveraddict":3c9ipl8w]Thanxxxxxx hand & good to see you beck
Guys, can anyone translate what did Hamada said to Endo at Baskin Robins & Endou tried to ignore them all for a bit[/quote:3c9ipl8w]

hamada asks about having seconds then said endo could probably handle more ice cream if he asked for more

[quote="rexelmus":34a9s588]hamada asks about having seconds then said endo could probably handle more ice cream if he asked for more[/quote:34a9s588]

Thanx rexelmus :) for replying poor Endou he really struglles between maintaining his weight & handling a restaurants tour in the noon show ( Hirnandesue) & some eating episodes in GNT

[quote="rocky_iwata":odat6cx1]The curry house one is a big trap, and poor [hide:odat6cx1][/hide:odat6cx1] walked into it. :D[/quote:odat6cx1]

I’m not sure how they decide who orders the extra food. I guess it’s arranged in the van by some sort of trivia question, but my Japanese is not that great that I can understand. All I know is that he got it wrong.

in the car tanaka brags about wanting a large portion of curry - if there’s even an extra large portion with stuff on the side he’d take it. it just so happened that there was a curry house coming up. the mega curry had a limit of one per day and it just so happened there was one left

it’s more of a limit series where each person pretends they’re starving while they do everything to eat as little as possible until someone gives up.

腹ペコ!! ハングリードライブ!! (後編) & 着ぐるみトーク (Costume Talk)

Thank you ErnieYoung san.

Hi you all,

I really appreciate your job doing on this pretty website. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to upload Part 1 again, cause I can’t find it anywhere :frowning:

Thank you so much in advance!