Episode #1119 12.08.26 - Kiki Mizu Yokan


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[size=150:6e8ycdvy]Password: gaki-no-tsukai.com[/size:6e8ycdvy]

wait for it…

Stream: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQ0MDA5MDQ0.html

Anyone care to offer their personal opinion on what Mizuo Yokan tastes (and feels) like for those of us without any source from which to obtain our own?

[quote="natsilane":3afm2yyn]Anyone care to offer their personal opinion on what Mizuo Yokan tastes (and feels) like for those of us without any source from which to obtain our own?[/quote:3afm2yyn]
Lots of different flavors and feels like, well, agar.


I genuinely came on here after 5 months on the off-chance that there would be a new kiki. So thrilled to see one came out in the past couple of weeks! Thanks hand!

Is this Kiki Subbed?

So no subbing on the horizon?

wth? why did they censor the stars on their waistcoats at the end?

[quote="NyTrOx3000":do06volp]wth? why did they censor the stars on their waistcoats at the end?[/quote:do06volp]
No letters or characters when the sponsors’ name is displayed.

[b:23r3eatx]Download from color=#d11e00:23r3eatx[/color:23r3eatx] :[/b:23r3eatx]

Kiki Series 31 - Mizu Yokan.mp4 (208.2 MB)

https://mega.co.nz/#!bIQEXI4D!PMa4B2vj0 ... 1_EYFsoaYs

[color=#d11e00:23r3eatx][b:23r3eatx]Complete Kiki Series :[/b:23r3eatx][/color:23r3eatx] viewtopic.php?f=26&t=5210

この一口に命をかけろ 賞金10万円争奪! きき水ようかん~!!