Episode #1127 12.10.21

Mediafire no longer supports split file archives and since their file limit is only 200mb there is no way I can upload episodes to Mediafire anymore. So I’m looking for atleast 1 new host for uploading gaki episodes to. Any suggestions what host(s) you would like to have? Also I won’t upload to Rapidshare so don’t suggest that. I dislike that company and don’t want to support them in any way.



[size=150:1lc55jpu]HD-Version Download:[/size:1lc55jpu]

[size=150:1lc55jpu]Password: gaki-no-tsukai.com[/size:1lc55jpu]

Rola episode! Thank you! XD~

Looking forward to next week

The best program around the world!!! Daisuki!!! :rofl:

yay! i’ve been needing me some Rola lately too! Thx for upload hand

I can’t stand Rola, but this episode was really fun. Can’t wait for the next one!

[quote="sizenkai":lemqliui]Rola episode! Thank you! XD~


Minus only allow whole files (avi, mp4…) - size limit went down to 100 Mb or so, and won’t allow rar / zip … files

May I ask what ‘split file archives’ mean? you can’t upload split files?

[quote="sybersnake":3i29zzkj][quote="sizenkai":3i29zzkj]May I ask what ‘split file archives’ mean? you can’t upload split files?[/quote:3i29zzkj][/quote:3i29zzkj]

Yeah, Mediafire has a new auto detection for those files.

thank youuuuu!!

[quote="hand":b27xpy8d][quote="sybersnake":b27xpy8d][quote="sizenkai":b27xpy8d]May I ask what ‘split file archives’ mean? you can’t upload split files?[/quote:b27xpy8d][/quote:b27xpy8d]

Yeah, Mediafire has a new auto detection for those files.[/quote:b27xpy8d]

is it warn immediately?
I usually upload parts, with removing the extension (avi, mp4),

yeah, pretty much immediatly the files get locked to premium users only

Is the file down? Having a prob with a dead link :confused:

– 27.10.2012, 20:25 –

Ah no, site maintenance. Don’t worry guys :D

Try [url=http://www.zippyshare.com/:77crovnw]zippy[/url:77crovnw].

Where is the subs file?

[quote="yOzhiE":1ojo6xdn]Where is the subs file?[/quote:1ojo6xdn]
There is none.

Rola’s KARUTA Competition
ローラ完全プロデュース!! たくさん取れれば いい感じ カルタ争奪戦~!!