Episode #1138 13.01.20





Magical Hamada perhaps?
Also does anyone know where can I find Ameagari shows dls?

[url=http://imgbox.com/acwdhAzq:29ji2k49][img:29ji2k49]http://t.imgbox.com/acwdhAzq.jpg[/img:29ji2k49][/url:29ji2k49] [url=http://imgbox.com/adtOdHbg:29ji2k49][img:29ji2k49]http://t.imgbox.com/adtOdHbg.jpg[/img:29ji2k49][/url:29ji2k49]
[url=http://imgbox.com/acfdhd9h:29ji2k49][img:29ji2k49]http://t.imgbox.com/acfdhd9h.jpg[/img:29ji2k49][/url:29ji2k49] [url=http://imgbox.com/adgNt4ka:29ji2k49][img:29ji2k49]http://t.imgbox.com/adgNt4ka.jpg[/img:29ji2k49][/url:29ji2k49]


So Hosei Yamasaki is now officially known as Tsukitei Hosei on GnT.

[quote="rocky_iwata":yc7tah1i]So Hosei Yamasaki is now officially known as Tsukitei Hosei on GnT.[/quote:yc7tah1i]


Indeed, 山崎 邦正 = Yamasaki Hōsei


Miyasako-san! Welcome back:D

[quote="calobest":2wg3xp4w][quote="rocky_iwata":2wg3xp4w]So Hosei Yamasaki is now officially known as Tsukitei Hosei on GnT.[/quote:2wg3xp4w]
Indeed, 山崎 邦正 = Yamasaki Hōsei

On a related note, Yamasaki got a book published just yesterday titled "The reason I became rakugo" (僕が落語家になった理由) talking about his name change etc. From the description: ""Goodbye., Hosei Yamazaki" Why, I do it to progress the way to rename storyteller" (「さようなら、山崎邦正。」なぜ、僕は改名してまで落語の道を進んだのか――。)

http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%83%95%E3%81 ... 4757221592

(Found via his Twitter where he said やったーやったーやったじゃあ〜ん〜 "Hmm Well I did it Yay Yay")


""Goodbye., Hosei Yamazaki" Why, I do it to progress the way to rename storyteller" (「さようなら、山崎邦正。」なぜ、僕は改名してまで落語の道を進んだのか――。)

Did you just use google to translate the title ? Because that English title makes no sense. lol
It’s more like a question he asks himself (and undoubtly tries to answer in the book): "Why did I change my name to proceed in the way of Rakugo ?"

[quote="Ap2000":17odhhqn]Did you just use google to translate the title ? Because that English title makes no sense. lol[/quote:17odhhqn]

Yep. I don’t know how to read Japanese unfortunately. :( So I just have to try and read between the lines of the Google Translations (e.g. why I do it <-> why I changed my name (as in the context of the book) and storyteller <-> Rakugo).
Thanks for the clearer translation. :)

[quote="soudou":1o69qr0p][quote="Ap2000":1o69qr0p]Did you just use google to translate the title ? Because that English title makes no sense. lol[/quote:1o69qr0p]

Yep. I don’t know how to read Japanese unfortunately. :( So I just have to try and read between the lines of the Google Translations (e.g. why I do it <-> why I changed my name (as in the context of the book) and storyteller <-> Rakugo).
Thanks for the clearer translation. :)[/quote:1o69qr0p]

Haha, it’s ok !

hello i have create a facebook page with full episodes of gaki no tsukai

if you search in facebook (gaki no tsukai) and see a picture of matsumoto thats the page

some how i can’t post the facebook page because it will then be deleted

Hi new9movies.

You can make a thread announcing it and the episodes you have on your Facebook page, like with the [url=http://www.gaki-no-tsukai.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4604:2auy9qaa]MEGA Master List[/url:2auy9qaa]. It was just that you appeared to be bumping old threads with the same links without explanation at the same time the forum was getting hit with other spam. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Thanks for uploading the episodes to Facebook!

浜田雅功の 快脳! マジかるハマダ