Episode #1154 13.05.12 - Hamada's 50th Birthday

I can’t wait for next week’s episode!

If anyone can grab a better quality version, feel free to post.


http://downtownlaugh.blog76.fc2.com/blo ... 13123.html



Edit: Added a higher quality flv to the mediafire link

Mucho thanks kind sir. Perhaps someone will be willing to translate in the future, but I’m sure our Japanese speaking fans are more than appreciative of the upload.

Oh god the tears. This is probably the first time Gaki has made me cry. I hope Matsumoto will laugh during his, I can’t handle it if he’ll be all serious.

Thanks for the links, looking forward to next episode as well, especially Matsumoto’s letter :)

For those who don’t speak Japanese, here’s a short summary of the contents of the letters:

Tanaka told a story of how in his ealry days in Gaki he had been struggling to make a living, and couldn’t even afford to replace his "favourite" and now highly worn-out shoes. Hamada had then offered him 20 000 yen to buy some new ones, which Tanaka accepted slighty reluctantly. Afterwards Hamada wouldn’t even accept back the change, insisting that Tanaka use it instead to eat something good.

Fujimoto recalled how Hamada had saved him and his manzai partner by supporting them and encouraging them to try harder and not to give up on on their manzai career.

Takafumi mentioned how Hamada had told him to give him a call whenever he couldn’t afford to eat properly. He also pondered on Hamada’s "scary" reputation, saying that in the over 15 years that they had known each other, Hamada had only once been seriously angry towards Takafumi. This was during one of their first meetings, when Takafumi had, out of respect towards his senior, been overly courteuous and flattering towards Hamada, who had replied multiple times that it wasn’t necessary to act in that manner.

Thank you thank you soo much! It’s greatly appreciated. I hope you won’t mind to post a summary for the next episode. I would love to have an idea of what the other letters say even if just as an outline. It would be wonderful.

Tanaka’s story is so touching, no wonder he was so emotional, aww. :)

I think I remember Takafumi’s story from somewhere, it’s a nice perspective on Hamada. His angry act is funny. :lol: He’s good at it in an entertaining way. Same with the other members, who also put on personas or play up things in certain situations for comedic effect without truly being serious. They work well together.

I also really look forward to the next episode.

This is now on the absolute top of episodes I want properly translated! Pretty pretty please with sugar on top!

Thanks for posting this giffan!

This episode will be translated by Team Gaki after the Unseen Footage and Heipo episode is translated!

Awesome! Thanks Team Gaki :)

haha tanaka crying on everyones letter is funny. and i love how downtown call him out on it. good stuff. thanks for upload n looking forward to subs. arigato gozaimasu!

Also, the other members tell the viewers at the beginning to check out Hamada’s expression because he was told this would be just another episode of the bar series. He didn’t know this was coming :rock:

That’s great to hear the gist of their letters, and thanks Team Gaki for adding this episode to your subbing schedule!

Inomoto’s story was actually about him being invited to eat by Hamada yet again and, being embarrassed by it, Inomoto wanted to repay him by driving Hamada home as if he was his chauffeur. Hamada got angry and asked him "What did you came to Tokyo for?!". He was surprised but replied "I came to become successful". Hamada then said something like "That’s right, you didn’t come here to drive other people, you came here to become successful".

Thank you guys for the translations and updates to the episode. It’s crazy to think how Downtown, and the cast of Gaki have become such a big part of all us fan’s lives. I look forward to all translations of the show. Again, thanks and keep up the good work.

You guys are more than welcome!

祝ハッピーバースデー! 浜田雅功50歳! マジ感謝状サプライズ~!! (前編)