Episode #1173 2013.09.29 - Classic Retro Gaming #2

Yay! It’s another Famicom challenge!


http://downtownlaugh.blog76.fc2.com/blo ... 14931.html

And on Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15bv3 … _lifestyle

Download on Zippyshare: http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/9193610/file.html

And on Mega: https://mega.co.nz/#!8JZxiC7C!ZL6D8xIkK … ZLemPetg7k

I’m sure Wagyan Land was one of Arino’s challenges on GameCenter CX.

Love this theme!! :inlove:

Wow Hosei did really well in Super Mario Bros and that other game Matsumoto picked (ギャンランド Gyan Land?), I think I heard him saying it was his first time playing that one too. Of course when good fortune happens to him he has to balance it out with some terrible misfortune and suffering though. :rofl:

It was funny Matsumoto got quickly frustrated at things, even the game he picked himself. :lol:

Hamada finally found a game he can play! Though I guess you just mash buttons in it? It was funny how they kept comparing him to a chimp. Don’t know Japanese but I was imagining a chimp trying to play a computer game and having to make the same mistakes over and over to learn whats correct or not. :lol:

Endo really got to grips with that shooter game, shame he couldn’t beat the boss.

Poor Tanaka hurting himself when trying to hurt Hosei. :rofl:

第2回 懐かしのレトロゲーム ファミコンを遊び尽くせ~!!

what was the rating of these episodes? We havnt had any of this serie this season.