Episode #1186 2014.01.05 - No Laughing EDF Extra Footage

笑ってはいけない地球防衛軍 最後の秘蔵シーン大公開!!

Here is the 360p version, FLV subido y compartido por [b:ovjab9mi]TheSeeker[/b:ovjab9mi]


@ErnieYoung: これをアップロードしてくれてありがとう。 :) (Thanks for uploading this)

[quote="Arlekin":1paqer95]Here is the 360p version, FLV subido y compartido por [b:1paqer95]TheSeeker[/b:1paqer95]

I think that’s actually the 3rd January batch of unreleased footage which was included in a recap special.
I believe this regular 5th of January Sunday broadcast of Gaki may be to provide an additional last batch of deleted scenes. I could be wrong though… I can’t watch because spoilers…

If I’m right maybe someone can get the 3rd January episode and cut out just the Deleted Scenes (without the recap bits) and then join it with the deleted scenes from the 5th January episode, we’ll have a complete set for subbers to hopefully tackle someday if possible! I don’t think 1080i works for them but 720p should work. I’m avoiding spoilers so I apologise for not being able to help with editing though…

Yes, this episode has deleted scenes not shown in the 3rd Jan special.
It’s mostly the " introduction of various activity clubs" and the "outdoor stage show", along with a scene in the HQ.

The interaction between the five of them before they show the VTR is the best part, IMO

If anyone is interested, here are the links to watch these deleted scenes on Dailymoshun (hehe)

Part 1 [url:2k0ddz3c]http://dai.ly/x19752r[/url:2k0ddz3c]
Part 2 [url:2k0ddz3c]http://dai.ly/x19753p[/url:2k0ddz3c]
Part 3 [url:2k0ddz3c]http://dai.ly/x1977de[/url:2k0ddz3c]

So glad ROLA was cut out.

I thought the batsu game wasn’t as predictable few last year’s after watching the main thing, but it seems they just did LOTS of stuff and cut many of the usual things.
[hide:2z5t468y]I'm actually glad they cut Koumoto's cop appearance, the club activities and Rola.
Umemiya Tatsuo as Maguro Banchou yurukara in the previous recap/unseen special was great, though. His mini-skit "School" was probably the most hilarious thing next to Tanaka's Thai Kick.[/hide:2z5t468y]

I haven’t downloaded this yet but this is NOT the same footage that was aired on the Friday after the NYE special, because I watched that as it was airing and posted in another thread about it. Rola wasn’t in that.

And I agree with the above poster. She gets on my tits.

So if i get this right, there’re 3 batsu eps, the one on 31/12/2013 which is the main show, then the 3rd january 2014 a Recap & Unseen footage episode and finally on 05 January 2014 another unseen footage episode!

Thank you guys for all the work your providing and i’m seriously thinking to sub this into French and Arabic.