Episode #1189 2014.01.26 - New Year's Party XXV

Yama-1 Grand Prix VIII
第25回 2014年もきっとウマくいく! 新春大新年会~!!
月亭方正プレゼンツ! 第8回 山-1 グランプリ!!

[hide:50snwk8y]Speed Wagon's Itoda's entrance grin is quite infectious for some reason. I lost it when he just walked in with that face.

Liked RG's impression of Steve Jobs the most. Certainly would like an IMajor now :D

Nice to see Konya Ga Yamada too, even though they haven't used him for quite a while :D[/hide:50snwk8y]

[hide:ksfqcjaa]Matsumoto's comment on RG ("Couldn't believe you're the same guy who bombed so hard on The Manzai!") was hilarious. It was funny because it was true.[/hide:ksfqcjaa]