Episode #1221 2014.09.07 - Costume Talk


  1. 松本 誕生日の過し方 What will Matsumoto do for own birthday?
  2. 若手芸人 心霊体験談 A Young Comedian Psychic Experiences
  3. ココリコ田中 心霊体験談 Cocorico Tanaka Psychic Experiences
  4. ライセンス藤原 心霊体験談 License Fujiwara Psychic Experiences
  5. 松本 陣内とのランチで… When Matsumoto had lunch with Jinnai…
  6. 松本 究極の選択 Matsumoto Hard Choice
  7. パーソナルロボットPepperとトーク Talk with a Robot "Pepper"

[hide:3aiscm0f]poor pepper getting slapped like that[/hide:3aiscm0f]

[quote="grindorth":30j212qc][hide:30j212qc]poor pepper getting slapped like that[/hide:30j212qc][/quote:30j212qc]
[hide:30j212qc]It was really asking for it with all the cheeky replies it gave.[/hide:30j212qc]